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What does it grade ?


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    commoncents05commoncents05 Posts: 10,082 ✭✭✭
    As is, 58. Might go higher with a dip.

    Many Quality coins for sale at http://www.CommonCentsRareCoins.com
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    llafoellafoe Posts: 7,220 ✭✭
    WANTED: Cincinnati Reds TEAM Cards
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    IrishMikeyIrishMikey Posts: 1,561 ✭✭✭
    Looks new, with one big spot and speckled toning. I might be tempted to dip this one. If sent in
    as is, maybe MS 62?
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    lkeigwinlkeigwin Posts: 16,891 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks to me like it's probably been dipped before. And maybe not rinsed well. Or perhaps it's just not be stored well.

    The spot is unfortunate. I'm not big on dipping but I think I'd try it and hope for the best. Maybe a quick dip, or a diluted one. If you overdo it and it comes out lifeless it will probably not grade cleanly.
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    crazyhounddogcrazyhounddog Posts: 13,914 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One big spot and speckled, I'll say 63 with a better than average strike.....image Edit to say....Nice rims and planchet...
    The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
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    shorecollshorecoll Posts: 5,445 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you dip it and it shows clear rub on the knee 58, else 63.
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    guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,242 ✭✭✭

    I'm gonna with 58. I like it, even with the spot.

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    if the spots dips out, 64.
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    roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    63-64 if the spot and/or pvc is not factored in. That's a big if though. Might not TPG grade at all if that spot is of the "green" variety or there is PVC on the coin.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
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    relicsncoinsrelicsncoins Posts: 7,880 ✭✭✭✭✭
    EG......Extremely Grubby. Oh wait, you mean the coin? image
    Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
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    SamByrdSamByrd Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭✭
    lower mint state perhaps MS62
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    Walkerguy21DWalkerguy21D Posts: 11,260 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't see any true wear on the coin, but as everyone has pointed out, the surfaces are a concern. It might be worthwhile, depending on what you have in it and what you think it could potentially grade, to have NCS 'conserve' it. If you bought it right and you think it has a legit shot at a 63 or 64, this might be the way to go.
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    NumisOxideNumisOxide Posts: 10,995 ✭✭✭✭✭
    MS62, spot gone 63.
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    Halfhunter06Halfhunter06 Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭
    looks UNC to me, MS 63
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    DoubleEagle59DoubleEagle59 Posts: 8,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Gold is money, and nothing else" (JP Morgan, 1912)

    "“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)

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    fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

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    lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,430 ✭✭✭✭✭
    AU58. The spot and toning/luster (or lack thereof) turn me off a tiny bit, but not too much. I would dip it, but one has to worry that it might have already been dipped? Sorta has that look, at least in the pictures. Then again, if there is some luster there that I'm not seeing, I might change my tune if I saw it in hand.

    Even if you just got rid of the spot, I would like it a whole lot more. But it would be hard to treat just that one area without then having to dip the rest of it, I reckon.

    As-is, I like it OK but don't love it. Nice detail, of course.

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    JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think this coin has seen some work done to her in the past.
    That's a shame.
    That said, it is a nice coin that could use a little conservation from
    someone/somewhere that knows what they are doing.
    Some coins are just plain "Interesting"
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    ChrisRxChrisRx Posts: 5,619 ✭✭✭✭
    AU-55 what did I win?
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    metalmeistermetalmeister Posts: 4,584 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would Qtip that spot. But thats me. image
    email: ccacollectibles@yahoo.com

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    LotsoLuckLotsoLuck Posts: 3,786 ✭✭✭
    It looks AU to me but I recognize those finger prints from the post office pictures.
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    coolestcoolest Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    64 with no spot
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    PerryHallPerryHall Posts: 45,695 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>As is, 58. Might go higher with a dip. >>


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