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Is this an absurd claim for a coin dealer to make?

Bayard1908Bayard1908 Posts: 4,010 ✭✭✭✭
"He is known in the hobby as the leader in all types of U.S. Collectible Coins."

I know nothing about the dealer. If it's not absurd, it's at least awkwardly worded.

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    CoinJunkieCoinJunkie Posts: 8,772 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'll vote "yes".

    OTOH, do you think anyone actually takes it at face value?
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    MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,083 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If it's not absurd, it's at least awkwardly worded.

    It's poorly worded and exaggerated, but close enough to the truth to not qualify as "absurd".

    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
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    CaptHenwayCaptHenway Posts: 31,774 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've known Gary for years. Nice guy.

    Perhaps he should have said "a leader," as I might go to a specialist such as Tom Reynolds first if I were looking for a large cent.

    Not a big issue, though, IMO.

    Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
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    CoinJunkieCoinJunkie Posts: 8,772 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>If it's not absurd, it's at least awkwardly worded.

    It's poorly worded and exaggerated, but close enough to the truth to not qualify as "absurd". >>

    Sorry, but the claim that a single dealer can be the leader in ALL types of US coins is fairly absurd (to me, anyway).
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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He appears neither on my personal list of coin experts nor on my list of English writing experts.
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    FrankcoinsFrankcoins Posts: 4,569 ✭✭✭
    After 45 years I am reasonably competent in most areas.....
    Frank Provasek - PCGS Authorized Dealer, Life Member ANA, Member TNA. www.frankcoins.com
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    MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,083 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, but the claim that a single dealer can be the leader in ALL types of US coins is fairly absurd (to me, anyway).

    I agree. And on further review of the eBay listing, I think they could have taken a better picture of themselves. And Gary could use a haircut. Not that any of this is relevant if he has a coin you want to buy.
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
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    coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,485
    Yes, and it would be an absurd claim for a non-dealer to make, too.image
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    bidaskbidask Posts: 13,967 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All dealers have their own way of marketing......I find his claims not absurd as I read that often among many dealer ads.
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    coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,305 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Absurd is a bit subjective....but I would say "yes".
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    ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭✭
    No big deal imho. He does need a haircut though!
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    cmerlo1cmerlo1 Posts: 7,904 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No biggie to me... I don't read all that extra crap anyway...
    You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.
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    WTCGWTCG Posts: 8,940 ✭✭✭
    Perhaps he isn't the definitive human encyclopedia on all issues but Gary does possess decent general knowledge about US coins.
    Follow me on Twitter @wtcgroup
    Authorized dealer for PCGS, PCGS Currency, NGC, NCS, PMG, CAC. Member of the PNG, ANA. Member dealer of CoinPlex and CCE/FACTS as "CH5"
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    BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    Looks like he's not an expert at cleaning coins either, based on the auction linked in the OP.
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    AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,366 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>He appears neither on my personal list of coin experts nor on my list of English writing experts. >>

    All coins kept in bank vaults.
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    Not a problem in my opinion. Simple advertising. I/We are the best. To be taken with a grain of salt but nothing wrong with self promotion.

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    Never view my other linked pages. They aren't coin related.
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    The guy is a Jets fan, that explains it.
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    ColonialCoinUnionColonialCoinUnion Posts: 10,087 ✭✭✭
    I have it on good authority that Avis never really tried harder, either.
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    JCMhoustonJCMhouston Posts: 5,306 ✭✭✭
    I didn't see mustard stains on his shirt so he must be at the top of the list. And he does seem to have some decent coins listed.
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    coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,485

    << <i>Perhaps he isn't the definitive human encyclopedia on all issues but Gary does possess decent general knowledge about US coins. >>

    Wei, possessing decent general knowledge about US coins is a wee bit different from the claim that was brought up for discussion.image
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    coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Is this an absurd claim for a coin dealer to make?"

    No. It is status quo in marketing strategy for any retail business...aside from trying to "sell it with sex", this is the norm.

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

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    AMRCAMRC Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Where has he been all my life? I need to pay better attention.
    MLAeBayNumismatics: "The greatest hobby in the world!"
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    coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,485

    << <i>"Is this an absurd claim for a coin dealer to make?"

    No. It is status quo in marketing strategy for any retail business...aside from trying to "sell it with sex", this is the norm. >>

    Even if you think that type of claim is typical marketing strategy, that doesn't negate it's absurdity. And I even think the seller is a good guy.
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    atarianatarian Posts: 3,116

    << <i>No biggie to me... I don't read all that extra crap anyway... >>

    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3
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    Don't worry, he'll be going nuts since his beloeved Jets are getting whacked. It will take him a week to recover.
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    WoodenJeffersonWoodenJefferson Posts: 6,491 ✭✭✭✭
    It's very appealing to all eager beaver e-Bay fever buyers.
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    dsessomdsessom Posts: 2,212 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>No big deal imho. He does need a haircut though! >>

    PFFFT! That's peach fuzz compared to my mane! image

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