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Honus Wagner T206 (slightly OT)

For those there who are knowledgeable about such things, I'm really curious what the "00000001 Wagner" item is in other types of collections. Not necessarily something that is mythical and people hope there's one out there, but the one of a kind item that is confirmed in existence and truly considered the authentic, best possible item to have over all others within a subculture.

Sports autograph?
Non-sports autograph?


  • cwazzycwazzy Posts: 3,257
    Coin: 1804 Dollar or 1913 Liberty Nickle or 1933 Double Eagle
    Stamp: Upside down plane stamp
    Book: Guetenberg Bible
    Painting: The Mona Lisa
    Sports Autograph: Babe Ruth, maybe? It's obviously not rare but may be the most desired auto in sports.
    Non-Sports auto: George Washington?

    Edited to say: Interesting topic. image
    My small collection
    Want List:
    '61 Topps Roy Campanella in PSA 5-7
    Cardinal T206 cards
    Adam Wainwright GU Jersey
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Can't argue with Chris's list.

    That upside down stamp is called the Jenny if IRC.

    The painting may be debatable.

    Vintage cars could be another.....I dunno the answer to it. Maybe MMM's?

    Good topic.

    Good for you.
  • I personally think the only real negotiable one of those would be non sports auto... You can go back in time searching/trying to find an autograph or signing of many people that has never been found I'm sure. Existing today, probably The Beatles... I'm pretty sure a record signed by all of them sold for over $1 Million at a charity auction (Don't ask me where I heard this I just remember hearing it SOMEWHERE), while Mr. George only is 6 digits.
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    The rarest and most valuable stamp is the world is called the Tre Skilling Banco yellow and can be found in Sweden. Only one copy is known to exist and it was sold in 1996 for $2,300,000.00.

    The most expensive autograph in the world, belonging to the famed English author Willian Shakespeare. Only 6 authenticated examples exist, and all are on signed documents. All autographs are held by institutions but if they would be sold, each would cost around $3 million.
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,018 ✭✭✭

    << <i>The most expensive autograph in the world, belonging to the famed English author Willian Shakespeare. Only 6 authenticated examples exist, and all are on signed documents. All autographs are held by institutions but if they would be sold, each would cost around $3 million. >>

    Really ?

    I best start saving up .---- Sonny
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a good topic!

    I don't know anything about this - other than a guess.

    When I was in 5th grade, I was in the stamp club - collecting BB cards was just done - and was not considered by us as a formal area like stamps and coins.

    The number one stamp back then was the British Guiana 1c magenta - it had a limited minting and if memory serves, only one exists - and it hasn't come for sale in many years - there was some controversy over the fact that some believe it's a fabrication and never existed - you would think there would be official records?

    On the car side that was mentioned by Steve - I know the Duesenberg is a highly coveted car and is a work of art in classic American made autos.



    When I was in college, I took a survey of art class - and besides the Mona Lisa - I think I remember his "Last Supper" might also give ya a run for the money.

    On books? I'm clueless - I think the G. Bible is a good choice.

    Sigs? Clueless - the Shakespear auto seems really likely - also - how about some of the great composers like Bach and Mozart? They might be scarce also.
  • canjondcanjond Posts: 422 ✭✭✭
    As for books, while the Gutenberg Bible is a good and logical choice - I'm not sure it would be the "pick." The Gutenberg Bible was the first book to be "printed" with a moveable press. There are many other incredible books out there dating back thousands of years that are probably more desireable. For example, while not really a "book," I'm sure any of the Dead Sea Scrolls would qualify. In addition, the Book of Kells (on display in Ireland) is a very famous book. In addition, there are many extremely valuable first editions. For example, Leonardo Da Vinci’s Codex Leicester sold for $30.8 million.

    For information on baseball-related cigarette and tobacco packs, visit www.baseballandtobacco.com.
  • canjondcanjond Posts: 422 ✭✭✭
    As for cars, I would go with the 1931 Bugatti Royale Kellner Coupe, which was sold for $8,700,000 in 1987.
    For information on baseball-related cigarette and tobacco packs, visit www.baseballandtobacco.com.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    Jon ... were you the purchaser of the car or the book? LOL


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • canjondcanjond Posts: 422 ✭✭✭
    I believe I have a matchbox of the car somewhere around here...
    For information on baseball-related cigarette and tobacco packs, visit www.baseballandtobacco.com.
  • fkwfkw Posts: 1,766 ✭✭
    Beer Cans
    1941 Clipper Pale Beer Can $19,000+

    I remember this one because I used to live across the street from the brewery that made this in Santa Rosa CA

    Movie Poster
    1927 “Metropolis” $690,000

    PEZ Dispenser (thats how eBay started with PEZ image )
    1982 World’s Fair PEZ Dispenser $32,205
  • DeutscherGeistDeutscherGeist Posts: 2,990 ✭✭✭✭
    There is more than one Gutenberg bible. IIRC there are 4 in existance. Still an extremely valuable book.

    The Nibelungenlied (translated: The Song of the Nibelungs) has less than 40 surviving manuscripts (in various states of completion) written in Middle High German from as early as the 13th century (before the printing press of Johannes Gutenberg). The poetic songs were based on Germanic oral traditions from the 5th and 6th centuries. It is historical, but also a work of literary art.

    The early Germans, or say the Germanic tribes, did not have writing in their culture until they borrowed it from the Romans. So, a lot of the rich culture, stories, histories were transferred orally until writing became part of the culture. This is about a society from pre-Christian times, so its fascinating to see what the early Germanic peoples were like.

    The Nibelunglied became source material for composer Richard Wagner in the 19th century in "The Ring of the Nibelungen" and that in turn became source material that influenced Star Wars, The fellowship of the Ring, and many other works that are popular and relevant today.

    Those manuscripts are national treasures and now I explained what an impact they have even today with the popularity of Star Wars and The Fellowship of the Ring. It is possible that a manuscript might even exist from the 9th century, but it likely did not survive, but was copied by scribes nonethelss.
    "So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve

    BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    James Audobon's Birds of America is also a highly valuable and sought after book [$10+ million]

    With Art -- most great art is not sold and is in private / collection hands. Just try putting a price tag on the Sistine Chapel, for example. Or the Mona Lisa. Can't really be done.

    Even with cars -- there are many singular examples, many of which have not traded public hands in decades.

    So hard to say.
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    Scroll through this slideshow for some ideas on this topic -- set to one of the items for most expensive car:

    Click Here
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • 72skywalker72skywalker Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭
    Would the superman comic be the most expensive comic out there too?
    Collecting Yankees and vintage Star Wars
  • As far as books go, I believe the most expensive/desirable is the original, double elephant folio version of Audubon's "Birds of America." It measure 40 by 30 inches, and each page had a life-size hand-colored etching of an American bird. A single page from one of the books will fetch can fetch up to 40,000, and a complete first edition just sold last month for 11 million dollars, the most ever paid for a book.
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