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The importance of cross-marketability

As a collector (now researcher) of US Half Cents by die variety, Lisa and I noticed something very interesting several years ago. Although this observation will not be surprising for those enthusiasts with intermediate or above knowledge of early type, it is worth mentioning.

Of course, we all know that the market is all about supply and demand. I feel that too many collectors of early die varieties are limiting the pool of saleability by putting more importance on R4+ and even some R5 coins. Instead, coins which have cross-marketability are items which have at least a bit of scarcity to them BUT are popular types and/or "Red Book" varieties.

In Half Cents, the 1793 and 1808/7's are perfect examples just to name two of them. With these coins, you have collectors of all kinds (type, date, "Red Book," and die variety) always looking to obtain specimens. The way I see it, the more people you can have fighting over your stuff the better.

Do not get me wrong, desirable RARE die varieties will always have a place if you find two or more of the right people for it. Chances are that will usually (if not always) be the case as long as the price is even semi-reasonable.



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