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Bank Day! $500 Bag of Half Dollars - RESULTS INSIDE!!!

Well I've just recently had my interests peeked in coin collecting, and after perusing a few message boards I've noticed that people have had some success finding desirable coins by purchasing large quantities at banks.

With that said, i recently picked up a $500 bag of half-dollars at my local bank and here are my findings:

1964 - 12

1965 - 2

1966 - 1

1967 - 16

1968 - 5

1969 - 5

1954 - 1

1957 - 1

1961 - 1

1963 - 1

I also came across a few coins that looked like they were "frosted" but I'm not sure if that is any significance or not.

Please enjoy the pictures!

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6


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