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1922 high relief peace dollar question

Going through family coins recently and have come across numerous silver dollars from 1887 morgans to 1935 peace dollars.

Six of the coins are 1922 peace dollars with different finishes and reliefs. This is all new to me and i have been recently doing some research on the net but am a bit confused when trying to id peace dollars.

I have been told that to compare to the 1921 peace as they were all high relief. Others said to look at the raws through the N and to the E. Others say look at the letter edges and squaring.

What confuses me is that a couple of the coins appear to have high relief when compared to the 1921 and their other 1922 counterparts. The same couple also have nice raised 'peace' letters compared to their counterparts and the pics online.

Is there a definative way to tell a high relief.

I am not sure i believe when i saw one in google saw the rays as that could have been one specific die and the 1921 doesnt exhibit the rays. Likewise the deep/high relief may be able to be seen on other parts with different dies.

Is there a definative way to tell.



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