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Need HELP Dating Coca Cola Baseball Posters, 70's?? Mays,Musial,Ruth, Stengal

After buying a new home and moving I recently began unpacking things I had long forgot I ever had.

I just found these poster prints that Ive had packed away for over 20 years now.

They are a set of 4 Coca Cola "Baseball Greats" They measure Aprrox. 17 1/2 inches wide by 24 inches high.
Each is sign by the Artist Del Nichols. There is no copyright marks that I can see.

They are not glossy posters, but more a Minilla stock lithograph print. They are in Absolutely beautiful condition and
when I first examined them I thought they may be from the mid to late 80's.

But upon reading the bios on each print I noticed on the Willie Mays print the bios ends with this line;

"For 1979, Willie Howard Mays should be a shoo-in to join all the other Baseball greats as a new member of the Hall of Fame"

So if Willie Mays had not yet been inducted into the Hall of Fame these Prints have to date 1979 or one of the 5 Previous years in
the HOF waiting period.

If willie's last year was 1973? The prints could be in the range of 1974 to 1979? Anybody have any thought on these?






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