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just got this e-mail offer for ATB hockey puck sets

DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,989 ✭✭✭✭✭
This just arrived a few minutes ago. Amazing spread in the prices between MS69, 68 and straight B.U.
Still stupid money IMO, but I was curious to see them anyway..

Dear Customer,

You are receiving this email because you are on our pre order request list for
the 5 ounce America The Beautiful Sets Graded by NGC. We have a very limited
quantity of sets that will go up for sale on the website at 11am ET tomorrow. We
are in short supply of the Gem Unc and MS68 sets in particular at this time but
that may change in the near future.

If you wish to order an MS69ER set at $4495 TODAY, you may call our office and
place the order and get FREE SHIPPING. The free shipping offer expires when the
sets go live at 11am tomorrow. These MS69ER sets are currently IN STOCK.

If you are interested in a Gem Unc Set at $2695 or an MS68 set at $3695 you may
also call now and buy but your order will go to back order status and ship in
approximately 2 weeks.

We will stop taking orders on these when we believe we have exhausted our
incoming supply, until such time that we are able to re-stock.

Due to the volatile nature in pricing and supply on this item, there will be NO
RETURNS OR EXCHANGES of any kind. Prices will fluctuate according to market
conditions and supply.

Thank you,
When in doubt, don't.


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