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Need some help with ASE's that were recovered for the WTC

Started this thread on the PM Forum, but was advised that I might get more help here.
Please reply to either this thread or the link below on the PM Forum. I guess we'll see which ones take off and then stick with that one.

Thanks for the help and please start off by reading this thread:
WTC Silver Eagles
To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.


  • << <i>Started this thread on the PM Forum, but was advised that I might get more help here.
    Please reply to either this thread or the link below on the PM Forum. I guess we'll see which ones take off and then stick with that one.

    Thanks for the help and please start off by reading this thread:
    WTC Silver Eagles >>

    Unless there is a way to independently authenticate the metal came from rubble at the WTC, I would not buy these.

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