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Targeting two Seated Quarter dates. Opinions?

dogwooddogwood Posts: 1,935 ✭✭✭✭
I've done archive searches in the forum and scribbled notes all over my 2007 copy of the Pop Report.
I've looked in the usual places, and done research.
Have been enamored of the "S" mint 60's issues for a few years but stayed focused on Barbers.
Would LOVE a mid-grade 61-S (birth year centennial , place of my birth, roughly), but.....
I like the 55-O.
I like the 78-S.
In general for, an XF coin as my sole representation of the series and denomination, are either of these the best I could do for a second or third tier coin in the +/- $1000 range?
Great thanks in advance.
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.


  • partagaspartagas Posts: 2,056 ✭✭✭
    To answer your question, those are all great coins and difficult to near impossible in the grades you desire. I like the 55-O as the best bang for the buck amongst the group.

    If you find either of the 3 coins you describe in XF problem free for +-$1000 then you better buy a lotto ticket as you are one lucky guy.

    The 61-s in XF will run around $10k+ depending on the coin. Dick Osburn has an xf45 for just under $14k, very rare coin in that grade and higher.
    The 55-O might be your best shot but doubtful. As most folks just don't know how rare this coin is. Dick has a cleaned XF for $1275.
    And lastly an XF 78-s is going to run $2k and up. Once considered one of the rarest coins in the series. It has fallen a bit but prices still remain strong.
    If I say something in the woods, and my wife isn't around. Am I still wrong?
  • RichieURichRichieURich Posts: 8,445 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with Partagas. He knows his stuff.

    Not to be spamming the Forum, but you did ask the question:

    I have a PCGS XF-40 1861-S quarter listed at $4,950 and an NGC XF-45 1878-S quarter listed at $1,975. Both coins' prices were determined, in part, by what I had sold similar coins of that date and grade range previously. An 1855-O in XF would be fairly costly as well. I had a low-grade lightly cleaned Unc. a few years ago that sold somewhere around $2,500. Finding any of these 3 coins in XF PCGS or NGC slabs for $1,000 or so would be a significant accomplishment, regardless of what any of the price guides say.

    An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.

  • CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,623 ✭✭✭✭✭
    55-O in XF is just impossible. Can't even remember the last time I saw one. Must have been the Richmond or Gray sale.

    The other two mentioned are also quite difficult.
  • dengadenga Posts: 903 ✭✭✭
    About 40 years ago a friend obtained a collection of U.S. coins, not all that large
    but with some interesting pieces. He gave me, in return for some work that I did
    for him at that time, an 1864-S quarter in VG. I still have it, a pleasant reminder
    of days long gone.
  • JJteaparty has a nice mid grade 1861-s available.
    Winner of the "You Suck!" award March 17, 2010 by LanLord, doh, 123cents and Bear.
  • as long as we are talkin seated qtrs.....
    would love to do a set in nicely worn vf/xf..raw would be cool..
    i am lookin for 1858 and 1862 in real nice proof 65 or better..
    this will complete my later date set..nothing pretty has come thru
    any of the auctions or sites i watch.
    bruce scher
  • dogwooddogwood Posts: 1,935 ✭✭✭✭
    Rich, I love that 78-s of yours.
    That 72-s is the bomb as well.
    Thanks for the insight. image

    I'm hearing the 55-o is a bear from almost everyone, but one among us feels it's over-rated.
    That's what makes my study of this series fun. Trying to figure out a consensus.

    I may have been misleading in my opening remarks. In no way do I think a 61-s is obtainable in xf for $1000. That was illustrated as my "dream coin", that's out of my reach in grades that I'd enjoy.

    We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must be that one who doesn't like the 55-0. But that comment was more directed towards coins below VF and problematic coins, of which there are plenty.

    Years back the 55-s, 55-0, 78-s, and 91-0 were the top 4 overrated dates in the series based on availability vs. price. When found, most were usually in lower grades, particularly AG-VG. The 78-s 25c rode on the coat tails of the rare half dollar for decades. Even in the 1970's no one considered that date in the top half dozen best S mints (72-s, 60-s, 71-s, 64-s, 66-s, 67-s). Then one has to toss in the 58-s, 59-s and 61-s as grade rarities as well. With the tougher S mints getting so much attention the past 5 yrs, everyone know assumes that all the others are rare as well: 55-s, 56-s, 57-s, 65-s, 68-s, 69-s, etc. These dates have always been somewhat available...at least more than enough for the set collectors. Though finding them in perfect, problem free VF-AU is difficult. We've all learned the same lesson for many of the common S & O Barber mints in problem free XF/AU....very underrated.

    The S mints have been pushed fairly hard the past few years. I still like the 72-s and 71-s as not being pushed as hard as the others. But you won't find those in XF for $1000. I was able to buy an XF45+ 1858-s 2 yrs ago for $1,000. And the only reason I was able to do that was that the CDN listing for the coin in XF was $600 and AU was around $1200.

    I still like a number of XF New Orleans coins in XF/AU, esp. the 1847-0. And that should cost < $1,000. 1842 LD and 1851 are two early Philly dates I like as well where you don't have the confusion caused by common proofs. The 1842 LD for some reason doesn't get the respect that many 2nd or 3rd tier dates do. The 58-0 and 59-0 are worthy coins in high AU as is the 57-0. The 75-CC might be another date worth of consideration though it's not nearly as tough as the 42, 47-0, and 51. But people do love those CC's, even those who don't collect the series by date. I ran into a nice XF45 1875-cc a year ago and the seller wanted $1200 which at the time was 2X CDN. Felt like all the money to me. Of all these dates I think I like the 1842 the best, but you'll never go wrong with a nice F-XF 71-s or 72-s either. Imo, I think the price of XF 55-0 and 78-s quarters has gotten out of hand. Maybe I'm the only one.

    I recall that a year ago a friend of mine ran into a problem free raw VF 1855-0 and was only asking around $300-$350 or so. My long term bias for this date kept me from buying it (probably a mistake). Passing on any better date seated quarter in problem free F-XF condition is probably a mistake if priced fairly.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold

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