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Liberty Eagles vs Indian Head Eagles

Was checking out the PCGS Set Registry the other day.

There are so many more registered sets for Indian Head Eagles than Liberty Eagles. I think only HRH's wife and one other person have current sets that are active. Is it primarily because collecting a series comprised of 32 coins seems more doable than collecting a series comprised of 184 coins?


  • PerryHallPerryHall Posts: 45,992 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Was checking out the PCGS Set Registry the other day.

    There are so many more registered sets for Indian Head Eagles than Liberty Eagles. I think only HRH's wife and one other person have current sets that are active. Is it primarily because collecting a series comprised of 32 coins seems more doable than collecting a series comprised of 184 coins? >>

    Yes. If you have the money, the Indian eagle series is easier to complete. There are only 4 coins that are really expensive. Also, the Indian design is more attractive than the Liberty design.

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