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Is it ethical to repair a coin?



  • CoinJunkieCoinJunkie Posts: 8,772 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Is it ethical to repair a coin? Yes! Why not? Is it ethical to dip a coin? I'm generally not in favor, but it's
    not unethical.

    If the repair is so good, it cannot be detected by experts, then I would define it as "market acceptable"
    and see no reason it would be problematic in a regular holder (as long as the "repair" is stable, which
    plugging would be).

    We're getting into the realm of philosophical arguments here. If the TPG doesn't know, and the buyer
    doesn't know, and nobody else knows, or can know, then is it really a problem? >>

    Wow. Somebody knows, the doctor, and that person acted unethically in selling the coin without disclosure. No one is so good at doctoring that it can't be detected, so eventually it will become known that the coin has a problem. >>

    So, no one questions a TPG's ethics for failing to disclose that a coin was submitted 29 times before
    it finally got in a holder, but some guy who does such amazing restorative work that it goes
    undetected by experts is deemed lower than whale droppings.

    Tricky indeed, this morality and ethics stuff.

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