You say in example 1 and 3 that you sent first class for $7.76 and $8.07. The highest rate for a first-class package is 3.26 so you are either sending these parcel or priority. You shouldn't be using parcel because its about the same cost for priority and much slower. If you are using priority then delivery confirmation is free. Hope this helps.
"I don't really care about the insurance, since I have serious doubts that I'd ever be able to get a claim paid by a government agency anyway, but at least it raises my cost so the buyer doesn't think I overcharged too much."
How wrong you are. The proces is easy and I got my check in less than 2 weeks after submitting proper documentation. On expensive items I just add it to the cost of the shipping (couple of bucks for peace of mind) I did everything online, filled out no actual physical paperwork, scanned my documents right into the USPS browser. Saved me several hundred bucks this past year.
I also enjoy going to the post office, making conversation with the clerks and generally being nice to them. Pays off big time if there is ever an issue and have had them put aside stuff on their own when they noticed mistakes, or mislabeled stuff for me.
It shouldnt surprise you that a majority of those folks work hard and know their jobs pretty well.
<< <i><<If you are using priority then delivery confirmation is free.>>
That sure isn't the case at the US PO's here in Michigan. >>
When printing postage from Paypal it is...and that's what I'm guessing Aric meant.
Whether you have 1 package to print or 1000, do so through Paypal Multiorder Shipping. Once you've printed all of your postage, it gives you a single sheet of paper with 1 bar code for all packages you've shipped. The USPS will scan that and it checks in every package in the order.
If you do this and ship by Priority Mail, delivery confirmation is free and it is scanned in like you paid for it at the counter. If you do this and ship by 1st class, delivery confirmation is $0.19.
It really is the smartest and most cost effective way to ship.
<< <i>not to mention, they are hold to that over 1 lb. must go to counter rule around here.
Clear Skies, Mark >>
The "over 1 lb. must go to counter rule" only applies to shipments where postage stamps are used. If you're printing your postage at home, you don't need to take anything to the counter.
"...Paypal doesn't care if the package is scanned upon acceptance at the PO. They will side with the buyer if the package is not scanned upon DELIVERY...."
The scan on delivery is the money scan.
Tho, my personal comfort level goes up when the item is scanned as "accepted."
At the risk of a boring walk in the deep weeds, here is how I have been handling most mailing chores when PP is in the mix:
1. I pack and weigh the parcel.
2. I stick a USPS Green DC ticket on the parcel and keep the receipt.
3. I mark the package "First Class Parcel."
4. I put First Class postage - and the DC fee - on the parcel; $1 stamps, plus the needed smaller ones.
4a: INS can also be funded with additional stamps, but you may need a "relationship" with the mailman to make it work best. I leave the INS receipt attached and the mailman returns it to me with the machine validation on it. (If you just need the minimum INS, you can attach an extra $1.75 in stamps, keep the receipt, and hope for the best. It has not been a problem, thus far.)
5. I mark the front of the parcel - just above the DC sticker - in BOLDred magik-marker OR with a label: "SCAN ME!" (The red labels are sold on EBAY and at the office supply store.)
6. I put the parcel in my mailbox, raise the flag, and the mailman picks it up when he comes to deliver mail.
If the item is over the security-limit weight, I simply hand the item to the mailman when he arrives. (He prolly does not have to accept them, but he always does.)
In way more than a year, not one item has failed to be scanned as "accepted;" and, not one item has failed to be scanned on delivery.
This scheme would likely NOT work as well in an area with heavy traffic and the possibility of theft from the mailbox.
Virtually EVERY collectible-stamp dealer in America - from time to time - has old commems that he will sell at a discount. If you don't mind using old stamps, you can usually save about 20% or more if you buy them in quantity.
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
<< <i><<If you are using priority then delivery confirmation is free.>>
That sure isn't the case at the US PO's here in Michigan. >>
When printing postage from Paypal it is...and that's what I'm guessing Aric meant.
Whether you have 1 package to print or 1000, do so through Paypal Multiorder Shipping. Once you've printed all of your postage, it gives you a single sheet of paper with 1 bar code for all packages you've shipped. The USPS will scan that and it checks in every package in the order.
If you do this and ship by Priority Mail, delivery confirmation is free and it is scanned in like you paid for it at the counter. If you do this and ship by 1st class, delivery confirmation is $0.19.
It really is the smartest and most cost effective way to ship. >>
All I ever hear about is the Whine about some E-bay Seller overcharging for Shipping!!!!!!!!!
How about I should Whine for all the times I have to eat Shipping charges!!!!!!!!!!!
Examples todays shipping:
#1 Buyer wins 3 each 1970 PSA Milk Duds...My shipping charge, $4.50 for first and $2 each for second and third..Total $6.50 Actual $Cost, Oversize Padded Shipping Mailer $1.25, Ins. for $100...$2.25, DC .80 Cents, Postage First Class $7.76....Total $12.06....$5.56 Loss
#2 Buyer buys Three PSA cards I charge $3.00 for first card and .50 cents each for all after one...Total $4.00. Three cards add up to over $70 value so have to insure. My shipping costs are as follows....1 Padded Mailer size OO, I buy in Bulk from Royal mailers..cost .19 cents each, Insurance $2.25, DC .80 cents, First Class postage $2.29...Total $5.53...Loss $1.53
#3 Buyer buys lot of 350 cards, then adds two other auctions in, total wins 3 auctions each. I charge $6 for the 300 cards, then .50 cents each for the two additional $7.00. Any one of the three auctions doesn't take me over my threshold for Insurance ($25-50 depending on New/Repeat customer), but added together they do and New customer so feel I need Ins. So actual cost are Card Box for Lot .40 cents, DC .80 cents, Insurance $2.25, First Class postage $ $11.52...Loss $4.52
#4 Buyer buys one PSA card for $33.00...............Shipping charge $3.00. My cost to ship...Size OO Padded mailer .19 cents, Ins. $1.75, DC .80 cents, Postage 1.59....Total...$4.33.....................
Loss for the day in 4 packages $15.94, not including all the other stuff..Bubble wrap, tape, time, whatever.................
I don't know why anybody would whine about something they have complete control over.
If you don't want to lose money and don't want to change your procedures then raise your rates.
If you want to lose less, or even make money, then use PayPal shipping to save on DC and SC and use/don't use insurance more wisely.
Heck, I dont ding anyone for use of recycled cut up bubble envelopes, which to me is quite tacky. You can go buy a box at a decent price at Sams.
I used to agree with you and would always send my graded cards, I sold, in two brand new bubble mailers. The cost was insignificant (ten cents each) but it looked professional. On the other hand, I hated throwing away all the bubble mailers I received in the mail. The whole recycling thing is sort of important, no!? Tacky yes but much better for our environment!
Although I havent sold on ebay in over a year, during that time, i sold roughly 1000+ items and add the 200+ items Ive sold on sportlots, I have NEVER had one not be delivered and I do not buy insurance unless the item is well over $200. In my opinion, insurance does nothing to stop the scammers, it is the DC that they look for. Unless its an irreplaceable item, paying $2.25 for insurance is a little much on the percentage of profit range. From looking at the OP, most of the overage he is running into is the insurance costs. I would recommend DC only, unless its $250+ item where you would need sig con anyway.
This is my shipping policy, and I haven't gotten dinged in hundreds of transactions (knock on wood that continues).
$2 shipping per item for raw cards. $3 per item for graded cards. Oversized graded like postcards go to $3.50 for item. 50cents for each additional graded item. 25cents for each additional raw card.
Most everything goes out via Paypal shipping. PSA cards go out at 3oz. I included a graded sleeve and cardboard (cutout from a small flat rate box) to cover both sides of the card. SGC cards need 4oz. Two PSA cards are 6oz. 2 SGC cards are 7oz. All go out First Class. If the customer orders 4 or more graded cards at one time, I upgrade them to Priority Mail at no extra charge.
If the card is valued at ~$500, I upgrade the shipping charge to $7. If it is over $1000, I max out the shipping charge at $10. Shipping does cost more for these cards, but I eat those extra charges, but I likely made more profit on these cards also.
If the card is $175 or greater, I add signature confirmation, and upgrade the shipping to Priority. I figure if the card gets there faster, I won't need to worry about insurance as much. If the card is $300 or greater, only then do I add insurance.
I do recycle bubble mailers. I also tend to buy a lot of cards, so I have a bunch of these. If a customer purchased an expensive card, however, I give them a nice new mailer or ship it in one of those Priority Mail flat rate boxes.
Overall, I say that I make money on shipping although it's not much. I believe the cost to ship 3 oz is $1.92 which includes delivery confirmation. I charge $3, so I'm ahead about a dollar. There are some cases where I lose a considerable amount of money. For example, if the customer purchases so many cards from me that the weight is over First Class, and I have to upgrade to Priority, but there are too many cardsd to fit in the small flat rate box, then I will lose money. No matter what I still never ship Parcel Post or Media Mail. I ship within 1-2 days after payment since I think that the faster the customer gets the card, the more satisfied they are with the transaction and more willing they are to forgive small stuff (like using recycled bubble mailers).
I guess my question about Ebay shipping vs Paypal shipping got lost in the fray. Have any of you guys tried Ebay shipping instead of Paypal shipping? I find it faster and easier.
<< <i>I guess my question about Ebay shipping vs Paypal shipping got lost in the fray. Have any of you guys tried Ebay shipping instead of Paypal shipping? I find it faster and easier. >>
For me personally,,, eBay's new system doesn't satisfy my own needs,,,,
I prefer the "multi-shipping" functionality of Paypal's systems,,,, I usually ship my ebay sales and any Gift giving envelopes all at once,,,, I tend to multi task and want to send personal stuff while I ship the eBay stuff,,,, can do it all at once using paypal
<< <i>I would think that complaining about receiving reused bubble mailers is tacky. >>
Not only do I agree, but the fact that anyone, anywhere, is even thinking anything like this is disturbing. As if there aren't enough other things to complain about, now sellers have to worry about buyers not liking the looks of the outside of the package? Seriously???
I'm sorry, if the item is packaged safely and securely and arrives at its destination in a timely manner, I don't care if there are pictures of human feces or hacked up body parts stuck to the outside of the mailer. The buyer has ZERO right to complain about this, EVER.
<< <i> DC only costs 18 cents if you use paypals shipping system to print labels,,,,,,,
Is there a reason why you don't use paypal's systems which have cheaper USPS rates than the general public pays?
Jeff >>
Repeat after me.............................I started this thread to give Doug a hard time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And pointed this out in the thread....who knew it would get this long of legs!!!!!!
Just for clarification, and for the same reason that Storm and a couple of others have mentioned, I use the Green Postal Service DC's because I believe it deters Crooks and Scammers. Of the over 1000 packages I've sent on the last two years with the Postal DC, I have had exactly one disappear! I tried the Paypal thing a couple of years ago and was just not comfortable with it, I don't care about the extra money over the Paypal DC. And with the Paypal DC you still have to buy the Adhesive label paper which is not inexpensive, so it is not quite as cheap as everybody stated, and using regular paper was a hassle haveing to tape over the entire label. With the Paypal DC I don't get the same feeling or Zing that I do with the Postal service one, and I believe crooks immediatly see the Green DC and drop whatever scam they were even considering because they know I am armed with a Sure Fire win in a Paypal dispute!!! And I know this because my packages arrive EVERY time!!!!!!!!
Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
<< <i>This is my shipping policy, and I haven't gotten dinged in hundreds of transactions (knock on wood that continues).
$2 shipping per item for raw cards. $3 per item for graded cards. Oversized graded like postcards go to $3.50 for item. 50cents for each additional graded item. 25cents for each additional raw card.
Most everything goes out via Paypal shipping. PSA cards go out at 3oz. I included a graded sleeve and cardboard (cutout from a small flat rate box) to cover both sides of the card. SGC cards need 4oz. Two PSA cards are 6oz. 2 SGC cards are 7oz. All go out First Class. If the customer orders 4 or more graded cards at one time, I upgrade them to Priority Mail at no extra charge.
If the card is valued at ~$500, I upgrade the shipping charge to $7. If it is over $1000, I max out the shipping charge at $10. Shipping does cost more for these cards, but I eat those extra charges, but I likely made more profit on these cards also.
If the card is $175 or greater, I add signature confirmation, and upgrade the shipping to Priority. I figure if the card gets there faster, I won't need to worry about insurance as much. If the card is $300 or greater, only then do I add insurance.
I do recycle bubble mailers. I also tend to buy a lot of cards, so I have a bunch of these. If a customer purchased an expensive card, however, I give them a nice new mailer or ship it in one of those Priority Mail flat rate boxes.
Overall, I say that I make money on shipping although it's not much. I believe the cost to ship 3 oz is $1.92 which includes delivery confirmation. I charge $3, so I'm ahead about a dollar. There are some cases where I lose a considerable amount of money. For example, if the customer purchases so many cards from me that the weight is over First Class, and I have to upgrade to Priority, but there are too many cardsd to fit in the small flat rate box, then I will lose money. No matter what I still never ship Parcel Post or Media Mail. I ship within 1-2 days after payment since I think that the faster the customer gets the card, the more satisfied they are with the transaction and more willing they are to forgive small stuff (like using recycled bubble mailers). >>
For what it's worth, two PSA slabs is 4 oz., assuming a 00 mailer and bubble wrap.
Repeat after me.............................I started this thread to give Doug a hard time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And pointed this out in the thread....who knew it would get this long of legs!!!!!!Neil >>
REPEAT AFTER ME: You deserve it then! HaHaHa Hope you can cut down on your shipping costs!
PS: I agree it's time to end this thread!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
And with the Paypal DC you still have to buy the Adhesive label paper which is not inexpensive
Still free at I have a lifetime's supply of the adhesive label paper from a thread years ago which suggested going to Fedex for free stickers, boxes, etc....
Of the over 1000 packages I've sent on the last two years with the Postal DC, I have had exactly one disappear!
So let's say half of those were shipped insured at an average cost of $2.00 for insurance. That's $1000 spent on insurance to protect you from that one lost package. Since you put DC on it your loss would have been less than $250 so you'd be $750-$1000 ahead if you didn't insure any packages and treated the $1000 as your own insurance slush fund to cover the cost of any lost packages you have. The only time you should be buying insurance is when the value of the shipment exceeds say $150-$200, or the item you're shipping is particularly fragile. Then over the course of 1000 packages you can lose five times what you lost in the past and still be way ahead.
<< <i>Of the over 1000 packages I've sent on the last two years with the Postal DC, I have had exactly one disappear!
So let's say half of those were shipped insured at an average cost of $2.00 for insurance. That's $1000 spent on insurance to protect you from that one lost package. Since you put DC on it your loss would have been less than $250 so you'd be $750-$1000 ahead if you didn't insure any packages and treated the $1000 as your own insurance slush fund to cover the cost of any lost packages you have. The only time you should be buying insurance is when the value of the shipment exceeds say $150-$200, or the item you're shipping is particularly fragile. Then over the course of 1000 packages you can lose five times what you lost in the past and still be way ahead. >>
<< <i>Of the over 1000 packages I've sent on the last two years with the Postal DC, I have had exactly one disappear!
So let's say half of those were shipped insured at an average cost of $2.00 for insurance. That's $1000 spent on insurance to protect you from that one lost package. Since you put DC on it your loss would have been less than $250 so you'd be $750-$1000 ahead if you didn't insure any packages and treated the $1000 as your own insurance slush fund to cover the cost of any lost packages you have. The only time you should be buying insurance is when the value of the shipment exceeds say $150-$200, or the item you're shipping is particularly fragile. Then over the course of 1000 packages you can lose five times what you lost in the past and still be way ahead. >>
Morning, Actually most of my items are in the $10-$50 with about 20% (1 in 5) being above the $50-$500+ where I always put Ins. Between $25-$50, I call it a judgement call, if repeat customer I just put DC, if Newby asking stupid questions I insure.
But you do bring up a good point about the Insurance. I am wasting a lot of money on Insurance, but again its a small price to pay for that piece of mind. It tells the Buyer that you performed your due diligence. If a package does disappear you can still give them the Ins # for tracking and that tells them you didn't just drop in PWE and send. Even when you get the "Where's My Stuff" e-mail, two hours after the Auction ended, just send them the tracking number and they leave you alone. You are a lot less likely to get a Neg in that circumstance. Although that is never a certainty, I had some A$$wipe give me a Nuetral recently because I sold him a lot of cards for $40.00 and $4 shipping, then he wins a .99 auction, I can't find .99 item, Refund the .99 and the $4 shipping on the other lot, explain that it was missing/misfiled, and if/when I find it I will send for free and the A$$wipe Neutrals me and Says " Awesome product, missing card But refunded"! Whatever Dude, you just earned a Block! And I found the Card and he can stick it where the sun don't shine!!! And that does play a part in the equation, could have just as easily been a Neg. I have been getting 20% off of my fees for over a year this time. And that is some Bucks!!
Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
But you do bring up a good point about the Insurance. I am wasting a lot of money on Insurance, but again its a small price to pay for that piece of mind. It tells the Buyer that you performed your due diligence. If a package does disappear you can still give them the Ins # for tracking and that tells them you didn't just drop in PWE and send. Even when you get the "Where's My Stuff" e-mail, two hours after the Auction ended, just send them the tracking number and they leave you alone. You are a lot less likely to get a Neg in that circumstance. Although that is never a certainty, I had some A$$wipe give me a Nuetral recently because I sold him a lot of cards for $40.00 and $4 shipping, then he wins a .99 auction, I can't find .99 item, Refund the .99 and the $4 shipping on the other lot, explain that it was missing/misfiled, and if/when I find it I will send for free and the A$$wipe Neutrals me and Says " Awesome product, missing card But refunded"! Whatever Dude, you just earned a Block! And I found the Card and he can stick it where the sun don't shine!!! And that does play a part in the equation, could have just as easily been a Neg. I have been getting 20% off of my fees for over a year this time. And that is some Bucks!!
Due diligence is covered when you supply the DC or SC tracking number when they inquire. You don't need an additional # for an insurance tag to prove you shipped the package. If a cheap uninsured package with DC gets lost you just send the buyer a refund. If an a$$wipe is going to give you a negative after you gave them a no hassle refund he'll give it to you whether it's insured through the Post Office or coming out of your pocket.
I have always self insured and am WAY ahead. However, on higher ticket sales (usually $200 and up) I do signature confirmation. Have had one slab break in transit over 10 years of selling on Ebay. It was about an $8 card so I sent the guy the eight bucks, got a positive feedback and I didn't have to bother submitting a USPO insurance claim.
<< <i>Funding your own insurance on lower-priced items will ALWAYS make for a nice Christmas.
Each time you send an item out, drop a $1 bill into a jar. At the end of the year, you WILL be smiling. >>
Ok, you have all convinced me, Starting today, New Dutymon policy: All packages from $25 to under $100 in value will ship with DC only (Under $25, I generally already take the self insured risk route and presently and will continue to put nothing on them, not even DC)
I'll update in 6 months!!!
Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
I don't know that anyone advised not to put a DC on cheap packages. If you're looking for peace of mind and being able to show due diligence then everything should go out with at least a DC to maintain Paypal sanity issues. If you're not charging enough to cover the buyer paying for your DC cost then raise your rate.
<< <i>You need DC. Just don't insure the low cost stuff. >>
Yep, INR Negs hurt just as much whether they are big items or small.
---------------------- Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989 ----------------------
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
How wrong you are. The proces is easy and I got my check in less than 2 weeks after submitting proper documentation. On expensive items I just add it to the cost of the shipping (couple of bucks for peace of mind) I did everything online, filled out no actual physical paperwork, scanned my documents right into the USPS browser. Saved me several hundred bucks this past year.
I also enjoy going to the post office, making conversation with the clerks and generally being nice to them. Pays off big time if there is ever an issue and have had them put aside stuff on their own when they noticed mistakes, or mislabeled stuff for me.
It shouldnt surprise you that a majority of those folks work hard and know their jobs pretty well.
That sure isn't the case at the US PO's here in Michigan.
<< <i><<If you are using priority then delivery confirmation is free.>>
That sure isn't the case at the US PO's here in Michigan. >>
When printing postage from Paypal it is...and that's what I'm guessing Aric meant.
Whether you have 1 package to print or 1000, do so through Paypal Multiorder Shipping. Once you've printed all of your postage, it gives you a single sheet of paper with 1 bar code for all packages you've shipped. The USPS will scan that and it checks in every package in the order.
If you do this and ship by Priority Mail, delivery confirmation is free and it is scanned in like you paid for it at the counter. If you do this and ship by 1st class, delivery confirmation is $0.19.
It really is the smartest and most cost effective way to ship.
<< <i>not to mention, they are hold to that over 1 lb. must go to counter rule around here.
Clear Skies,
Mark >>
The "over 1 lb. must go to counter rule" only applies to shipments where postage stamps are used. If you're printing your postage at home, you don't need to take anything to the counter.
The scan on delivery is the money scan.
Tho, my personal comfort level goes up when the item
is scanned as "accepted."
At the risk of a boring walk in the deep weeds, here is how
I have been handling most mailing chores when PP is in the
1. I pack and weigh the parcel.
2. I stick a USPS Green DC ticket on the parcel and keep
the receipt.
3. I mark the package "First Class Parcel."
4. I put First Class postage - and the DC fee - on the parcel; $1
stamps, plus the needed smaller ones.
4a: INS can also be funded with additional stamps, but you may
need a "relationship" with the mailman to make it work best. I
leave the INS receipt attached and the mailman returns it to me
with the machine validation on it. (If you just need the minimum
INS, you can attach an extra $1.75 in stamps, keep the receipt,
and hope for the best. It has not been a problem, thus far.)
5. I mark the front of the parcel - just above the DC sticker -
in BOLDred magik-marker OR with a label: "SCAN ME!"
(The red labels are sold on EBAY and at the office supply store.)
6. I put the parcel in my mailbox, raise the flag, and the mailman
picks it up when he comes to deliver mail.
If the item is over the security-limit weight, I simply hand the
item to the mailman when he arrives. (He prolly does not have
to accept them, but he always does.)
In way more than a year, not one item has failed to be scanned
as "accepted;" and, not one item has failed to be scanned on
This scheme would likely NOT work as well in an area with heavy
traffic and the possibility of theft from the mailbox.
Virtually EVERY collectible-stamp dealer in America - from time
to time - has old commems that he will sell at a discount. If you
don't mind using old stamps, you can usually save about 20% or
more if you buy them in quantity.
<< <i>
<< <i><<If you are using priority then delivery confirmation is free.>>
That sure isn't the case at the US PO's here in Michigan. >>
When printing postage from Paypal it is...and that's what I'm guessing Aric meant.
Whether you have 1 package to print or 1000, do so through Paypal Multiorder Shipping. Once you've printed all of your postage, it gives you a single sheet of paper with 1 bar code for all packages you've shipped. The USPS will scan that and it checks in every package in the order.
If you do this and ship by Priority Mail, delivery confirmation is free and it is scanned in like you paid for it at the counter. If you do this and ship by 1st class, delivery confirmation is $0.19.
It really is the smartest and most cost effective way to ship. >>
Gotcha, thanks for the clarification!
How about I should Whine for all the times I have to eat Shipping charges!!!!!!!!!!!
Examples todays shipping:
#1 Buyer wins 3 each 1970 PSA Milk Duds...My shipping charge, $4.50 for first and $2 each for second and third..Total $6.50
Actual $Cost, Oversize Padded Shipping Mailer $1.25, Ins. for $100...$2.25, DC .80 Cents, Postage First Class $7.76....Total $12.06....$5.56 Loss
#2 Buyer buys Three PSA cards I charge $3.00 for first card and .50 cents each for all after one...Total $4.00. Three cards add up to over $70 value so have to insure. My shipping costs are as follows....1 Padded Mailer size OO, I buy in Bulk from Royal mailers..cost .19 cents each, Insurance $2.25, DC .80 cents, First Class postage $2.29...Total $5.53...Loss $1.53
#3 Buyer buys lot of 350 cards, then adds two other auctions in, total wins 3 auctions each. I charge $6 for the 300 cards, then .50 cents each for the two additional $7.00. Any one of the three auctions doesn't take me over my threshold for Insurance ($25-50 depending on New/Repeat customer), but added together they do and New customer so feel I need Ins. So actual cost are Card Box for Lot .40 cents, DC .80 cents, Insurance $2.25, First Class postage $ $11.52...Loss $4.52
#4 Buyer buys one PSA card for $33.00...............Shipping charge $3.00. My cost to ship...Size OO Padded mailer .19 cents, Ins. $1.75, DC .80 cents, Postage 1.59....Total...$4.33.....................
Loss for the day in 4 packages $15.94, not including all the other stuff..Bubble wrap, tape, time, whatever.................
I don't know why anybody would whine about something they have complete control over.
If you don't want to lose money and don't want to change your procedures then raise your rates.
If you want to lose less, or even make money, then use PayPal shipping to save on DC and SC and use/don't use insurance more wisely.
I used to agree with you and would always send my graded cards, I sold, in two brand new bubble mailers. The cost was insignificant (ten cents each) but it looked professional. On the other hand, I hated throwing away all the bubble mailers I received in the mail. The whole recycling thing is sort of important, no!? Tacky yes but much better for our environment!
$2 shipping per item for raw cards. $3 per item for graded cards. Oversized graded like postcards go to $3.50 for item. 50cents for each additional graded item. 25cents for each additional raw card.
Most everything goes out via Paypal shipping. PSA cards go out at 3oz. I included a graded sleeve and cardboard (cutout from a small flat rate box) to cover both sides of the card. SGC cards need 4oz. Two PSA cards are 6oz. 2 SGC cards are 7oz. All go out First Class. If the customer orders 4 or more graded cards at one time, I upgrade them to Priority Mail at no extra charge.
If the card is valued at ~$500, I upgrade the shipping charge to $7. If it is over $1000, I max out the shipping charge at $10. Shipping does cost more for these cards, but I eat those extra charges, but I likely made more profit on these cards also.
If the card is $175 or greater, I add signature confirmation, and upgrade the shipping to Priority. I figure if the card gets there faster, I won't need to worry about insurance as much. If the card is $300 or greater, only then do I add insurance.
I do recycle bubble mailers. I also tend to buy a lot of cards, so I have a bunch of these. If a customer purchased an expensive card, however, I give them a nice new mailer or ship it in one of those Priority Mail flat rate boxes.
Overall, I say that I make money on shipping although it's not much. I believe the cost to ship 3 oz is $1.92 which includes delivery confirmation. I charge $3, so I'm ahead about a dollar. There are some cases where I lose a considerable amount of money. For example, if the customer purchases so many cards from me that the weight is over First Class, and I have to upgrade to Priority, but there are too many cardsd to fit in the small flat rate box, then I will lose money. No matter what I still never ship Parcel Post or Media Mail. I ship within 1-2 days after payment since I think that the faster the customer gets the card, the more satisfied they are with the transaction and more willing they are to forgive small stuff (like using recycled bubble mailers).
Lou Gehrig Master Set
Non-Registry Collection
Game Used Cards Collection
<< <i>I guess my question about Ebay shipping vs Paypal shipping got lost in the fray. Have any of you guys tried Ebay shipping instead of Paypal shipping? I find it faster and easier. >>
For me personally,,, eBay's new system doesn't satisfy my own needs,,,,
I prefer the "multi-shipping" functionality of Paypal's systems,,,, I usually ship my ebay sales and any Gift giving envelopes all at once,,,,
I tend to multi task and want to send personal stuff while I ship the eBay stuff,,,, can do it all at once using paypal
<< <i>I would think that complaining about receiving reused bubble mailers is tacky. >>
Not only do I agree, but the fact that anyone, anywhere, is even thinking anything like this is disturbing. As if there aren't enough other things to complain about, now sellers have to worry about buyers not liking the looks of the outside of the package? Seriously???
I'm sorry, if the item is packaged safely and securely and arrives at its destination in a timely manner, I don't care if there are pictures of human feces or hacked up body parts stuck to the outside of the mailer. The buyer has ZERO right to complain about this, EVER.
<< <i>
DC only costs 18 cents if you use paypals shipping system to print labels,,,,,,,
Is there a reason why you don't use paypal's systems which have cheaper USPS rates than the general public pays?
Jeff >>
Repeat after me.............................I started this thread to give Doug a hard time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And pointed this out in the thread....who knew it would get this long of legs!!!!!!
Just for clarification, and for the same reason that Storm and a couple of others have mentioned, I use the Green Postal Service DC's because I believe it deters Crooks and Scammers. Of the over 1000 packages I've sent on the last two years with the Postal DC, I have had exactly one disappear! I tried the Paypal thing a couple of years ago and was just not comfortable with it, I don't care about the extra money over the Paypal DC. And with the Paypal DC you still have to buy the Adhesive label paper which is not inexpensive, so it is not quite as cheap as everybody stated, and using regular paper was a hassle haveing to tape over the entire label. With the Paypal DC I don't get the same feeling or Zing that I do with the Postal service one, and I believe crooks immediatly see the Green DC and drop whatever scam they were even considering because they know I am armed with a Sure Fire win in a Paypal dispute!!! And I know this because my packages arrive EVERY time!!!!!!!!
<< <i>This is my shipping policy, and I haven't gotten dinged in hundreds of transactions (knock on wood that continues).
$2 shipping per item for raw cards. $3 per item for graded cards. Oversized graded like postcards go to $3.50 for item. 50cents for each additional graded item. 25cents for each additional raw card.
Most everything goes out via Paypal shipping. PSA cards go out at 3oz. I included a graded sleeve and cardboard (cutout from a small flat rate box) to cover both sides of the card. SGC cards need 4oz. Two PSA cards are 6oz. 2 SGC cards are 7oz. All go out First Class. If the customer orders 4 or more graded cards at one time, I upgrade them to Priority Mail at no extra charge.
If the card is valued at ~$500, I upgrade the shipping charge to $7. If it is over $1000, I max out the shipping charge at $10. Shipping does cost more for these cards, but I eat those extra charges, but I likely made more profit on these cards also.
If the card is $175 or greater, I add signature confirmation, and upgrade the shipping to Priority. I figure if the card gets there faster, I won't need to worry about insurance as much. If the card is $300 or greater, only then do I add insurance.
I do recycle bubble mailers. I also tend to buy a lot of cards, so I have a bunch of these. If a customer purchased an expensive card, however, I give them a nice new mailer or ship it in one of those Priority Mail flat rate boxes.
Overall, I say that I make money on shipping although it's not much. I believe the cost to ship 3 oz is $1.92 which includes delivery confirmation. I charge $3, so I'm ahead about a dollar. There are some cases where I lose a considerable amount of money. For example, if the customer purchases so many cards from me that the weight is over First Class, and I have to upgrade to Priority, but there are too many cardsd to fit in the small flat rate box, then I will lose money. No matter what I still never ship Parcel Post or Media Mail. I ship within 1-2 days after payment since I think that the faster the customer gets the card, the more satisfied they are with the transaction and more willing they are to forgive small stuff (like using recycled bubble mailers). >>
For what it's worth, two PSA slabs is 4 oz., assuming a 00 mailer and bubble wrap.
<< <i>Morning,
Repeat after me.............................I started this thread to give Doug a hard time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And pointed this out in the thread....who knew it would get this long of legs!!!!!!Neil
REPEAT AFTER ME: You deserve it then! HaHaHa Hope you can cut down on your shipping costs!
PS: I agree it's time to end this thread!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Still free at I have a lifetime's supply of the adhesive label paper from a thread years ago which suggested going to Fedex for free stickers, boxes, etc....
So let's say half of those were shipped insured at an average cost of $2.00 for insurance. That's $1000 spent on insurance to protect you from that one lost package. Since you put DC on it your loss would have been less than $250 so you'd be $750-$1000 ahead if you didn't insure any packages and treated the $1000 as your own insurance slush fund to cover the cost of any lost packages you have. The only time you should be buying insurance is when the value of the shipment exceeds say $150-$200, or the item you're shipping is particularly fragile. Then over the course of 1000 packages you can lose five times what you lost in the past and still be way ahead.
<< <i>Of the over 1000 packages I've sent on the last two years with the Postal DC, I have had exactly one disappear!
So let's say half of those were shipped insured at an average cost of $2.00 for insurance. That's $1000 spent on insurance to protect you from that one lost package. Since you put DC on it your loss would have been less than $250 so you'd be $750-$1000 ahead if you didn't insure any packages and treated the $1000 as your own insurance slush fund to cover the cost of any lost packages you have. The only time you should be buying insurance is when the value of the shipment exceeds say $150-$200, or the item you're shipping is particularly fragile. Then over the course of 1000 packages you can lose five times what you lost in the past and still be way ahead. >>
<< <i>Of the over 1000 packages I've sent on the last two years with the Postal DC, I have had exactly one disappear!
So let's say half of those were shipped insured at an average cost of $2.00 for insurance. That's $1000 spent on insurance to protect you from that one lost package. Since you put DC on it your loss would have been less than $250 so you'd be $750-$1000 ahead if you didn't insure any packages and treated the $1000 as your own insurance slush fund to cover the cost of any lost packages you have. The only time you should be buying insurance is when the value of the shipment exceeds say $150-$200, or the item you're shipping is particularly fragile. Then over the course of 1000 packages you can lose five times what you lost in the past and still be way ahead. >>
Actually most of my items are in the $10-$50 with about 20% (1 in 5) being above the $50-$500+ where I always put Ins. Between $25-$50, I call it a judgement call, if repeat customer I just put DC, if Newby asking stupid questions I insure.
But you do bring up a good point about the Insurance. I am wasting a lot of money on Insurance, but again its a small price to pay for that piece of mind. It tells the Buyer that you performed your due diligence. If a package does disappear you can still give them the Ins # for tracking and that tells them you didn't just drop in PWE and send. Even when you get the "Where's My Stuff" e-mail, two hours after the Auction ended, just send them the tracking number and they leave you alone. You are a lot less likely to get a Neg in that circumstance. Although that is never a certainty, I had some A$$wipe give me a Nuetral recently because I sold him a lot of cards for $40.00 and $4 shipping, then he wins a .99 auction, I can't find .99 item, Refund the .99 and the $4 shipping on the other lot, explain that it was missing/misfiled, and if/when I find it I will send for free and the A$$wipe Neutrals me and Says " Awesome product, missing card But refunded"! Whatever Dude, you just earned a Block! And I found the Card and he can stick it where the sun don't shine!!! And that does play a part in the equation, could have just as easily been a Neg. I have been getting 20% off of my fees for over a year this time. And that is some Bucks!!
Due diligence is covered when you supply the DC or SC tracking number when they inquire. You don't need an additional # for an insurance tag to prove you shipped the package. If a cheap uninsured package with DC gets lost you just send the buyer a refund. If an a$$wipe is going to give you a negative after you gave them a no hassle refund he'll give it to you whether it's insured through the Post Office or coming out of your pocket.
Funding your own insurance on lower-priced items will
ALWAYS make for a nice Christmas.
Each time you send an item out, drop a $1 bill into a
jar. At the end of the year, you WILL be smiling.
<< <i>Funding your own insurance on lower-priced items will
ALWAYS make for a nice Christmas.
Each time you send an item out, drop a $1 bill into a
jar. At the end of the year, you WILL be smiling. >>
Ok, you have all convinced me, Starting today, New Dutymon policy: All packages from $25 to under $100 in value will ship with DC only (Under $25, I generally already take the self insured risk route and presently and will continue to put nothing on them, not even DC)
I'll update in 6 months!!!
I ship NOTHING w/o DC.
Lou Gehrig Master Set
Non-Registry Collection
Game Used Cards Collection
<< <i>You need DC. Just don't insure the low cost stuff. >>
Yep, INR Negs hurt just as much whether they are big items or small.
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq