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True Coin Buying Stories

AMRCAMRC Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭
A few weeks ago I went and saw a gentleman about 3 $20 Saints. I paid his asking price and he told me he would call me back again in the future as he had some more. I sent the 3 coins in to our host and one came back Genuine (cleaned), one in 63 (as expected) and one came back in 66! I called him up last week and told him I had more money for him as that is my practice when I get a bonus like that. He said that had never had that happen before and invited me back again today. I bought 3 more today only this time there is no hope for any 66's. image Since this was the second time I was at his home, I felt bold enough to ask him how many more he had. He said he bought all 700 of them about 30-40 years ago. image

I got a feeling I will be back there...

MLAeBayNumismatics: "The greatest hobby in the world!"


  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Armen's a good guy. WTG!
  • Wow, this situtation is on the brink of a You Suck
  • You're a stand up guy!
  • keyman64keyman64 Posts: 15,499 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If he only has 700 of them, you should not waste your time. image
    "If it's not fun, it's not worth it." - KeyMan64
    Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners. :smile:
  • TahoeDaleTahoeDale Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭
    It was 1997, and I had been collecting Barber halves in MS, for 3 years. I read a Coin World article by David Lawrence re their selling a complete Barber quarter collection, and that the owner also collected Barber halves.

    I found the owner in a nearby suburb of Houston, and he agreed to visit, as I also had an almost complete set of Barber half proofs.

    We had a typical coin-off, lots of coin talk, that finally came to his needing sell the half collection, but he wasn't getting any serious offers from dealers. ( They were offering him about 20% back of CDN monthly bid).

    Over the next year, I bought 30 Gem Barbers, and that really got me into a postion to complete a Gem set. But I passed on the most expensive coin in his set- the 1904-S in NGC 66.

    Today, that coin is a PC 67, and worth 5 times the price he quoted meimage
  • AMRCAMRC Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>... But I passed on the most expensive coin in his set- the 1904-S in NGC 66.

    Today, that coin is a PC 67, and worth 5 times the price he quoted meimage >>

    This is a reoccuring thing in collecting and have been guilty of this myself. Many collectors would have much better for themselves if they were able to overcome this one aspect of collecting. Price is relative! This should have been the first one you bought, even if you had to sell something.
    MLAeBayNumismatics: "The greatest hobby in the world!"

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