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Hamster to Millions - A Question from the 1970's

I remember being a kid and seeing a show on TV in the late 1970's that peaked my interest in coin collecting and was wondering if anyone here remembers or knows more of this peculiar story.

The title of the program section for this show was "Richest Kid in America". The show was like a Ripley's believe it or not type show.

Basic Story:

A kid raised some hamsters.

Kid sells hamsters to his neighbor and they pay him with some coins.

The coins turn out to be some VERY valuable coins, enough coins for him to be classified as richest kid in America.

He was riding around in a limo, wearing a suit, acting like some mini tycoon.

He even did a slide show of how he turned his hamsters into "Millions".

I don't remember what the coins were but I thought it was an interesting hobby and if nothing panned out, I could just spend my collection and buy some candy.

My Question:

Does anyone remember this silly story, know who this "numismatist" was or what coins he got that were so valuable?

This has been puzzling me for a while and I figure if anyone knows, it's someone here.

It's one very strange story for sure!


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