Hypothetical question regarding PSA slab drowning....

If you were visiting a marina to potentially trade some PSA cards for a yacht and you brought the cards in a briefcase and suddenly a gang of jewel thieves starts shooting at the cops as they make a get away in a speed boat and a bullet enters the brief case and cuts through the label of one of the money cards but doesn't hit the card (thank god) but then you dive out of the way and the briefcase falls from your hand, off the dock, and into the water. would the card itself be damaged by the water? serious question, discuss.
Currently collecting 1934 Butterfinger, 1969 Nabisco, 1991 Topps Desert Shield (in PSA 9 or 10), and 1990 Donruss Learning Series (in PSA 10).
That's why they have investigators and scientists.
CU Ancient Members badge member.
Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums
In many countries, drowning is one of the leading causes of death for children under 12 years old. For example, in the United States, it is the second leading cause of death (after motor vehicle crashes) in children 12 and younger. The rate of drowning in populations around the world varies widely according to their access to water, the climate and the national swimming culture.
Drowning itself is quick and silent, although it may be preceded by distress which is more visible. A person drowning is unable to shout or call for help, or seek attention, as they cannot obtain enough air. The instinctive drowning response is the final set of autonomic reactions in the 20 - 60 seconds before sinking underwater, and to the untrained eye can look similar to calm safe behavior. Lifeguards and other persons trained in rescue learn to recognize drowning people by watching for these instinctive movements.
Drowning occurs more frequently in males and the young. Surveys indicate that 10% of children under 5 have experienced a situation with a high risk of drowning
1994 Pro Line Live