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One more toner 1944 D for the set.

SkyManSkyMan Posts: 9,493 ✭✭✭✭✭
The first toner I ever bought (late 1980's) specifically as a toner was a 1944-D MS66FB Mercury in an old rattler. By my current jaded standards it is pleasant, but nothing spectacular. OTOH I still quite like the looks of it, and given that it was my "First" I certainly have no plans to upgrade it. In 2005 at the SF ANA I found a toner MS66*5FS Jefferson and said, "What the heck", and bought it. After that I decided to purchase other toner 1944-D material in MS66 as they popped up. About 3 years ago I found a Walker (PCGS MS66) that fit the bill. A few months ago I found a Washington that fits. It's an NGC MS66. It was recently imaged by Shane Canup, and I think he did an excellent job.


For those that want to see the other coins here's a link to the Gallery: 1944-D Images.


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