Nice vintage MLB memorabilia collection found

A friend of mine has given me memorabilia that belonged to his late father, who was a groundskeeper for the Reds, Cubs, Expos, Richmond AAA team, and maybe others, to sell for him. I have attached a few pictures for you to see. The items I picked up today include: 1975 and 1976 Reds W.S. rings (with his name engaged on the side), 1990 A.S. game ring, Sandberg autographed bat (game model) and photo (both personalized), press pins or charms or trinkets (I'm not sure which), 1973 Reds NL West Champions commemerative bat, 1988 Cubs NL East commemerative black bat, Jim Piersall autographed picture (personalized), broken Mantle bat (I think it is a store model), over 50 autographed balls, all on official balls, including 1969 N.L. All Star team (Aaron, Mays, Clemente, etc.), two Kubek/Garagiola balls (one personalized by both), Ernie Banks (personalized in 1986), Billy Williams (personalized), Carl Yastremzski/Elston Howard autogrpahed ball (personalized by both), several International League team balls (Richmond, I think, Eddie Kasko was manager), 8-10 official passes and hospitality room passes from Reds (1976-79), five unused 1990 All Star game official balls, Ray Knight autographed glove.
Sorry if the pictures aren't too good. How should I sell all this for him?

Sorry if the pictures aren't too good. How should I sell all this for him?

Always looking for Mantle cards such as Stahl Meyer, 1954 Dan Dee, 1959 Bazooka, 1960 Post, 1952 Star Cal Decal, 1952 Tip Top Bread Labels, 1953-54 Briggs Meat, and other Topps, Bowman, and oddball Mantles.
Very cool!
Always looking for Mantle cards such as Stahl Meyer, 1954 Dan Dee, 1959 Bazooka, 1960 Post, 1952 Star Cal Decal, 1952 Tip Top Bread Labels, 1953-54 Briggs Meat, and other Topps, Bowman, and oddball Mantles.
One of my favorites is Lubie used to like to hang out in the customer service area of Wrigley which was really his office on non game days. That weekend the Cardinals were in town and it was also fathers day weekend. Lubie saw a small bouquet of flowers that were delivered for Whitey Herzog and thinking they were from a fan he tossed them in the garbage after saying a few choice words. A few minutes later he looked at the card that was lying on the desk that came with the flowers. A look funny look came across his face when he read the card out loud...."to dad, we love you, Happy Fathers day!! He pulled the flowers out of the garbage and had them delivered to the clubhouse right away!!
I remember those exact rings. He let me try on them a few times and always wanted one of my own!! I am sorry to hear he has passed. He was a nice guy who was liked by many people. He had some great baseball stories to tell and I hope someone got them down on paper. Please pass along my condolences to his family.
I never heard of Mr. Veal, so I did a little searching on the Internet. Seems like he was a VERY well respected groundskeeper.
Check out this article. They talk about the people from MLB that died in 2010 ... and they include Mr. Veal on the list!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Lubie knew his stuff and the ballplayers loved to have him as a friend. I believe when one opposing ballplayer said the infield grass at Wrigley seemed to be cut by a helicopter, Lubie took some pride in that!!
I agree with the comments that maybe some items can be sold here. It would be interesting to see what Lubie collected over the years because he never seemed to be the type that would collect anything!
that sound you heard was my jaw hitting the floor! Nice Stuff.