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First of the 1970 set back from PSA

The first 30 or so cards are back from PSA from the set I broke up. As expected most graded 8 with a few 9's including a Kaline. Of course there was the obligitory couple of 7's thrown in too. There mostly hi#'s as there the ones I sent first. I expect the semi-hi series anyday now. The guys who were interested should email me at rjc012661@aol.com


  • dudedude Posts: 1,454 ✭✭
    Hey Gaspipe26,

    I've got a bunch of 1970 PSA 8 cards I'll trade for your Kaline (just kidding).

  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    The 9's including the Kaline have gone to Chris K. Its just uncanny that I received 4-9's and 4-7's. Its weird that way. Do you know who has the lone 1969 Mike Shannon in 8?
  • dudedude Posts: 1,454 ✭✭

    Congrats on your sale. I don't have a clue who has the Shannon.
  • Dan,
    Sorry for scooping up the 9's. You know my track record when t comes to these 1970's cards. I must admit, with the recent increase of plastic in my house my wife is starting to ask questions. I may have to slow down soon. Maybe I can say this is part of my submissions ???

    Gaspie26 - thanks for the cards.
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    Its never ther plastic piling up that gets you into trouble. Its the checkbook going down....image
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • Tough to explain all those bubble mailers coming in every day!!
    Never met a Vintage card I didn't like!
  • Lucky me, the wife never asks to see the checkbook. Her only request is that she has room on her credit cards. On the bright side I am getting out of work on time. Having to race home to get the mail first is always fun. I have to find a middleman to hold my cards until my sets are complete, or the wife goes on vacation. Something like eTopps. This may be a business opportunity; I cannot be the only person sneaking my cards around.
  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    With me its easy , the wife lives in NJ and my 1969 set lives in MD.
  • Bob - If my wife does find out how much I have spent on cards (graded and ungraded) I may end up the same way.

  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    Chris, I work in MD during the week and go home on weekends. Mine wont say a word as long as the creditcard works and the bank card will dispense cash.
  • DavemriDavemri Posts: 2,011 ✭✭✭
    I thought i was the only one who had to race home for the mail!!!!!
    I'm addicted

    FINISHED 12/8/2008!!!
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭
    And some days you drive faster than others...image
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    i know by reading i am not alone here.i need help. all i do is think about this regisrty and psa graded cards.i spend my days searching for cards on ebay.all i do is check my submissions even though it is sat. and i know nobody is working at psa. i went to work yesterday and all i could think about is the mail and the set registry.

    i just got back from the post office mailing the last of my 76's to be graded. i swear psa puts drugs in the plastic so when you pick up one of the plastic holders you are addicted. i bought my first psa graded card in 1994(fred mcgriff donruss psa 10) and have been addicted since. maybe that is there secret drugs in the plastic.
    i can sit here and look at all the 70's sets and say i want a 72 set or then i look at the 73 and say well i can do this to and really my only true love is the 76's for several reasons,but the one big one is that was my first year collecting. i sit here in hopes that gaspipe is thinking of me and that he is pulling all the 76's for me.i emailed him the other morning and all i could do is think about what he sent in and didn't,you now it is bad when you are excited about somebody elses sub's and you can't wait to hear from him and what he got. i know i am new at this regisrty board but man i am going crazy. i spent the other day searching all the local card shops for a schaal in action and a 69 commons when i probably should have been working, oh well i will quit next week.
    Collector Focus

  • And I thought it was just me. Yep, I look at the Registry at work around 4:00 p.m. to see if it's updated. I also rush home to get the mail first. Sometimes the kids will call and say, a package arrived, can we open it ((NNOOO)) is the usual response.

    The worse thing is to get home and find those pink Postal Service Registered Mail slips knowing that you can't get to the Post Office in time to get the cards. You have to wait until tomorrow and thats all you think about.

    I haven't told the Warden (wife) how much I've spent but do show her how much is coming in based on the auctions that I am running.

    What is bad is when she asks if there is enough money in the checkbook to buy the kids new clothes and shoes and you are thinking, hmm there are those PSA 8's that I could get if the kids would just hold off a week or so.

    Yep, its addictive.

    1st Finest Set - 1981 Baseball Fleer Basic - Retired
    1st Finest Set - 1981 Baseball Fleer Master - Retired
    1st Finest Set - 1955 Baseball Golden Stamps - Cleveland Indians - Retired
    1st Finest Set - Mel Harder Baseball Master - Active
    Mel Harder Showcase Set - Active
    #15 on Current Set Registry - 1972 Topps Baseball - Retired
    #23 on All Time Set Registry - 1972 Topps Baseball - Retired
  • I must be very thankful, my wife always wants to know when I am submitting card's so she can add cards to my submission form. She has her own collection and also loves to go to the card shows with me. image
    Looking for Gerard Warren, Dallas Cowboy GUAutos, 1968 Baseball PSA 8 or higher
    1993 Bowman PSA 8 or higher
    1981 Topps Baseball PSA 8 or higher
  • rw2winrw2win Posts: 557
    Cnel, does she have a sister?
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    Cnel... if you even think about divorcing a woman like that... punch yourself in the groin..
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    i tell you i think i am jealous?
    dinner must be awesome?
    "dad i got an a on my report card"
    "that's nice son,your mother got 3 10's and 12 9's on her latest submission"
    "but dad i got a scholarship to harvard"
    "not now son i have to go through these cards to see if i can do better then mom"

    yep i'm jealous.
    this is not doing me any good,now i have to figure out how to off the wife and marry someone like that. i got it, i will tell the police that i was cracking out a bgs graded card and the plastic shot across the room and lodged in my wife's throat.let me see i have to have one bgs card around.
    Collector Focus

  • My wife had 5 sisters. Now she has 4. She just hasn't been right since that house fell on her sister!

    1st Finest Set - 1981 Baseball Fleer Basic - Retired
    1st Finest Set - 1981 Baseball Fleer Master - Retired
    1st Finest Set - 1955 Baseball Golden Stamps - Cleveland Indians - Retired
    1st Finest Set - Mel Harder Baseball Master - Active
    Mel Harder Showcase Set - Active
    #15 on Current Set Registry - 1972 Topps Baseball - Retired
    #23 on All Time Set Registry - 1972 Topps Baseball - Retired
  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    I'll tell you what I do. Its called 2 address 2 bank accounts and deny everything! She will never know or see my cards. She's happy as long as the creditcard works and I take her to dinner on Saturday. I sent a bunch of 76's today Jackstraw. More 70's too.
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    thanks gaspipe,just another dent in the checkbook.
    do you do layaway for poor people?or how about weekly deductions from my paycheck?
    i got the fever,thank god i haven't started a 72 set or i would be living in a cardboard box.
    can't you 72 set guys do pictures so us bottom feeding collectors can at least look at what we can't have?
    Collector Focus

  • Dale,
    I can deal with that. Say can I get introduced to the one from the west, I like it out west...

    Jackstraw - you can't do that. I tried that last month. It didn't work, maybe because it was CSA plastic? You have to think of something else image

    I think I will look into creating a company that will house other peoples collections ... do I have any customers out there ? Let's see… my own house, I can live in the kitchen and keep the collections in the other rooms… yes, yes, and then …..

  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    I'm trying to keep the costs down for all the cards I sell. After all costs I make about $12.00 for every hour I put in searching, selecting, sending, receiveing, scanning and all the other crap thats involved. Every now and then I score a 10 or a real good 9 that makes it worthwhile.

  • The Warden (wife) asks why the downstairs bathroom and "Great Room" isn't finished yet. I tell her that I have to be inspired. Those 72 Topps Baseball Cards will look great up on the wall.

    BTW, have you ever determined 787 cards at a distance of 4 inch separation wide and 6 inch separation high would mean on a wall or walls?

    The response was, "You've gotta be freakin' me!"

    And so it goes, and goes.

    1st Finest Set - 1981 Baseball Fleer Basic - Retired
    1st Finest Set - 1981 Baseball Fleer Master - Retired
    1st Finest Set - 1955 Baseball Golden Stamps - Cleveland Indians - Retired
    1st Finest Set - Mel Harder Baseball Master - Active
    Mel Harder Showcase Set - Active
    #15 on Current Set Registry - 1972 Topps Baseball - Retired
    #23 on All Time Set Registry - 1972 Topps Baseball - Retired
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭
    can't you 72 set guys do pictures so us bottom feeding collectors can at least look at what we can't have?


    I have images on my set, but it doesn't compare to what Frank (FB) has. Maybe this will inspire him to start adding photos to his set.

    What do ya say Frank???


  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    i would definatly look at it once a week(more like once a day) like i look at your 74 set.
    do you have to have a hosting site or can you upload from your docs. ?
    Collector Focus

  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭
    I just scan them and save them on the PSA site. It is almost like adding images to eBay.

  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    I'll eventually post scans but for now its more trouble than its worth. For one - I don't have a scanner that works and my digital camera isn't that high end. Once I get off my a** and get the scanner (actually the USB port for my scanner to hook to), it'll be easier to justify adding pictures. And then, I'll probably only post the 9's - (300+ so far)

    Also, I keep a spreadsheet with the top 7 - 10 1972 Sets in it. It makes it easier to know what cards are worthwhile to send in for grading and who still needs what. Its very easy to cut and past and update for me, Jarvi, Castaldi, Downey, Constantino, Montero, and Olander. But, I have to get myself pretty psyched up to update both yours and Dale's. It takes a good 15 minutes to remove all of the camera icons from the spreadsheet in order to be able to see the grades.

    But don't worry - I'll eventually get photos posted.
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    Jackstraw> "can't you 72 set guys do pictures so us bottom feeding collectors can at least look at what we can't have?"

    You should check out www.1972topps.com. While it is overdue for an update, one of the features is a full checklist. There are links to download a 72T checklist in PDF format. There is also a full HTML checklist complete with scans as I complete them. Right now, about 82% of the cards in the entire set have been scanned and put up. In the next day or so, I'll have finished scanning my new acquisitions and have closer to 86% available for viewing.

    The checklist section of the page is at - 72T Checklist Page

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    thanks mike it is real nice and i am sure you put alot of time and effort into it. i am sure i will many hours on it. my wife also thanks you as she is dotting the i in divorce.
    Collector Focus

  • Frank -

    I think it is great that you will post pic's of your 72 set. why only the 9's ?? I would think you would like to show off your whole set and not just the high graded cards. If you, or anyone, wants someone to scan your cards I am available.

  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    I'll only post pix of the 9's because hopefully the 8's are only place holders. I won't have to change the pictures when I upgrade cards. So far I have 314 out of the 787 card set in PSA 9 and the odds of upgrading with 10's are very, very slim to none...
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • VarghaVargha Posts: 2,392 ✭✭
    Gentlemen -- There is no need to hide mail from your wife or to rush home to get it. Have it sent to your workplace like I do.
  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    I use my work address for everything , even my bank account.
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    i have thought of that but,i work at airborne express and it might be a conflict of intrest.if i start receiving 20 bubble mailers everyday they might start asking questions. all i wish is that the post office and psa worked on sundays and i can't figure out why they don't.don't they know i am on the edge of my seat here.

    Collector Focus

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