1962 POST Mickey Mantle/Roger Maris panels...what to do?
Opinions wanted. Top panel has no creases or wrinkles. Bottom panel has small wrinkle on the left edge of the Mantle and faint top to bottom wrinkle on the Maris. PSA grades the complete panel, they grade the individual cards as "perforated" if separated, or as hand cut if you cut around border. What do I do with the two panels? Grade the top one as a complete panel, separate the top panel and have graded as "perforated", or cut tight around each card in top panel and get the "hand cut" designation? And the bottom panel...what do I do since both do have wrinkles.


"Molon Labe"
IMO Its usually best to leave items in their rarest state, and in that case the cards in a panel, BUT both of yours are missing the magazine and the LIFE ad attached to the cards, so its not a real big deal, .....these 2 cards are far from rare, in any form... and slab hype might get you a few extra $$.
<< <i>BUT both of yours are missing the magazine and the LIFE ad >>
The panel with the wrinkles actually had the LIFE ad attached but I separated it cux it would have been too long to fit in a PSA slab.