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So my AU58BN Everyman Lincolns did very well at FUN

coin sold+juice/price guide/over price guide
1909-S AU58BN 402.5/340/18%
1912-S AU58BN 253/150/69%
1914-S AU58BN 431.25/290/49%
1915-S AU58BN 363.4/225/62%
1924-D AU58BN 345/250/38%
1944-D/S AU58BN 149.5/320/-53%
1971 DDO AU58BN 294.4/225/31%

1944-D/S had a scratch on the SLAB over the date that people probably thought was on the coin. You would think that Heritage would have seen that and suggested that I have it reholdered

Price guide for the 1971 was $250 in MS60, so I guessed on the AU58

Now lets hope the Errors finishing up tomorrow do as well


  • sonofagunksonofagunk Posts: 1,349 ✭✭

    << <i>Congrads...but one point I believe it was your responsibilty if you were aware of the scratch on the holder to get it in a new holder before giving it to Heritage but that is jmho. >>

    Could NOT disagree more. Sent them 300 coins to list. They should look at each one, suggest possible upgrading, or other problems. I didn't know there was the scratch, it could of happened at their place (I DOUBT IT) or in shipping (maybe). If is not like I dropped them off at an ebay sell-for-you shop

    But I can see other people thinking like you. Thanks for the "Congrads"

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