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Sometimes we absolutely amaze non-collectors!!!

keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
I'm at work today talking with a co-worker when a third guy walks over to us asking if either of has good eyesight and can read what he's holding in his hand. When he's about five feet away I realize it's an elongated Cent and probably has the Lord's Prayer on it, so that's what I tell him. He looks at me like I'm a savant and I talked a little about what he had, mentioning that I had the Lord's Prayer inscribed on a Half-Dime. "You mean a Nickel" he says, so I explained all about Half-Dimes, Three-Centers for postage, Joseph Wharton and Nickel, etc, etc in about 3-4 minutes. The look on his face was something between disbelief and amazement, it was priceless.

The long-and-short of the brief encounter was a deeper appreciation of what we all possess as a result of this crazy Hobby of ours, not just coins but a little deeper knowledge base that I think average people miss out on. I sort of half expect my pal Terry to be showing me some old coins one day soon, now that my cat is out of its proverbial bag!!!

Al H.



  • Neat story, at least they were interested. Every time I start to talk about coins at work my co-workers eyes glaze over and they remember they had a phone call to make or they have to go to the bathroom. image
  • DNADaveDNADave Posts: 7,264 ✭✭✭✭✭
    People I work with are always pulling pennies out of their pockets and asking me if I'll give them $900 for "this one".

    I don't think they'll ever get tired of it....it's all fun.

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