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Heritage Live - Video ahead of bidding interface?

Did anyone else experience that the video was AHEAD of the bidding interface, sometimes by a substantial amount? For example, the auctioneer would be talking about lot 1000, while the interface showed bid options for lot 999... this happened lot after lot, basically making bidding impossible. Anyone else experience this? Again, the video seemed not laggy at all - it was the interface that was borked.
I like large size currency and silver dollars.


  • Bayard1908Bayard1908 Posts: 4,032 ✭✭✭✭
    Try hitting F5
  • swhuckswhuck Posts: 546 ✭✭✭
    That's a new one for us, and we'll look into it.

    Stewart Huckaby
    Heritage Auctions
    Heritage Auctions

    2801 W. Airport Freeway

    Dallas, Texas 75261

    Phone: 1-800-US-COINS, x1355
    Heritage Auctions

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