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Moved to the currency side

wrong forum My bad

but for those who are interested what i miss posted here you go maybe you guys do both coins and currency or can give a coin take on this

This is the question and one Ill pose to the national collectors where this is coming from.

You see a note with less than 6 reported The note you find has a defect rip missing piece or just generally worn with splitting etc. Do you buy it when it comes up forsale? Now I know you have to look at population reports of whats known with a grain of salt since there are probably some hiding out not being listed and confirmed. But at what point does a note become rare and hard enough to find that you buy it even though theres a flaw with it.

Case in point the last note i bought and once again my johnstown note. Both seem to be low known I think both banks were 6 or less for all denominations. for 10950 3 large and 3 small and 10590 5 large and 0 small. I know price is based on rarity and demand for the notes, but im speaking on the terms of hard to find when building a collection.
When notes get that rare do you:
- believe in waiting for a whole note to appear before buying
- do you buy the flawed note in hopes of an upgrade
- do you buy the flawed note saying I dont think ill see another one to even place a bid on.

I like theoretical like this cause it makes you think and see where the buyer is coming from. I personally believe if its that rare ( and granted others might be hiding out) I might as well bid on the flawed note and if i win its one less for me to worry about and if i loose ill look for another if so it happens. But on a low populated note I cant imagine passing on it based on a flaw.

So how do you guys collect when dealing with nationals.and other notes that have very low knowns .
Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3

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