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Need help attributing this 1796 rev of 1797 1c any copper experts around? pics added

joebb21joebb21 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
any place online I can use for reference?

main one i can see is the die crack that goes through the middle of the "1" and "7" and has a "cud?or wear?" that goes over the bottom of the 7.

may the fonz be with you...always...


  • joebb21joebb21 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
    may the fonz be with you...always...
  • RTSRTS Posts: 1,408
    My best guess: the # of berries narrows it down to Reverse T or W (Sheldon), the ribbon leads me to Reverse W; the reverse aside the
    crack through the 1 and 7 is Sheldon Obverse 21 which makes it the S-113 to the best of my knowledge...I was not aware that the
    reverse is that of 1797...hopefully an expert can chime in...

    S-113 from the Dan Holmes Goldberg sale...listed as R5 in the Holmes catalog, R6 by Sheldon...

  • joecopperjoecopper Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭
    RTS - I pulled out Noyes and appears to be a 113. Noyes lists it as a reverse of 1797.
  • RTSRTS Posts: 1,408

    << <i>RTS - I pulled out Noyes and appears to be a 113. Noyes lists it as a reverse of 1797. >>

    Must be the Reverse R of the 1797 NC-5 - Sheldon refers to the reverse as resurrected reverse of 1796 and
    and reappearance of reverse W of 1796...I wonder why the S-113 is referred to as having reverse of 1797 as
    Reverse W/R is seen on three 1796 varieties and only one 1797 variety...any further history appreciated.

    Dan Holmes Goldberg sale...

  • RTSRTS Posts: 1,408
    Interesting...from the below it seems the sequence may have been...

    1796 S-113, 1797 NC-5, 1796 S-114, 1796 S-115 which all use the same reverse W(1796).

    Penny-Wise November 1969...

    *NC5: LIB Close; Upper Serif of B Missing. Very wide denominator; ribbon bows detached, imperfect. Obv. 20, Rev. R.
    This variety, first discovered by A. C. Geis, has the next to lowest curl unfinished and uses Reverse W of 1796, with six berries left. The 1796
    S114 and S115, both of which use the same reverse, were struck after the 1797 NC5, as evidenced by the die break progression. The
    1797 NC5 is struck on Boulton flans. The reverse comes perfect, and later cracked at the second T.

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