OT: Amazon to Paypal

My family is unaware of my need to spend extra cash on cards, so I've been given about $300 in Amazon.com gift cards for Christmas. Is anyone aware of some way to transfer that balance over to Paypal?
thanks in advance for the help
thanks in advance for the help
Looks like plasticjungle only pays-out with AMZN
cards, but is not currently taking them in for PP
ibuygiftcards.com pays 60-cents on the dollar for AMZN cards.
cardpool does not currently buy AMZN cards.
cardwoo.com, giftcardrescue, are not currently buying AMZN cards.
monstergiftcard.com pays 65-cents on the dollar for AMZN cards.
You can call/email plasticjungle - or any of the outfits - and they will email
you when they are buying AMZN cards.
Payments go direct to your PP account. Some cards have to be mailed
to the buyer; most will be paid immediately into PP when the PIN# is
confirmed --- no need to mail the card to the buyer.