Is it okay now to ship to unconfirmed addresses?

Has the rule changed? I thought I read somewhere that it is now okay to ship to
Unconfirmed Addresses and still be protected if we have DC.
Can someone please confirm?
Thank you.
Unconfirmed Addresses and still be protected if we have DC.
Can someone please confirm?
Thank you.
I'm checking for a friend. She sells purses.
<< <i>No, if it is not the verified address that is provided in the box you WILL NOT be covered, and them filing basically ensures you lose. >>
If someone has a unverified paypal address, are you allowed to cancel the transaction?
Yes, the transaction must be marked eligible or partially eligible for Seller Protection on the Transaction Details page.
If the transaction is marked eligible, protection for both Unauthorized Payments and Item Not Received will apply. If it is marked partially eligible, protection for only Item Not Received will apply.
Items sold on eBay will be marked eligible even if the shipping address is marked unconfirmed.
Yes you can ship to an unconfirmed address as long as on the payment email its stats seller protected. I think I asked the same thing last year around this time. I sold a jersey to a girl who bought it for her boy friend for Christmas. She was new to ebay and had an unconfirmed address. I did some digging and as long as it says seller protected on the email you get you should be just fine. However I did use sig conformation just to be safe.
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