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How bad of a trade was this?

I think I cried a little bit after I saw this....

Unless I'm misplacing some values I think this was pretty bad..

Who do you think got the better deal?

Party One Will receive:

mantle auto pic
rose auto pic
santo auto ball
banks auto ticket
dempster auto ball
sandberg auto hat

Party Two Will Receive:
payton auto pic,
a rod auto bat
kurt warner auto ball


  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    Cynical view.....

    mantle auto pic----partied waaaaaayy toooo much!!!!
    rose auto pic-------gambler, cheated the game
    santo auto ball.......all around great guy
    banks auto ticket...all around great guy
    dempster auto ball.....eh..no knocks
    sandberg auto hat....all around great guy------i see a cub theme running here.

    Party Two Will Receive:
    payton auto pic, ---------------greatest running back IMO
    a rod auto bat----A. Whole
    kurt warner auto ball ....Great guy,HOF'ER!!' and one heck of dancer!! I would take the 3 over the above mentioned

  • Misplacing some monetary values or philosophical values?

    I wouldn't mind owning a Payton autograph, but I have a ton of respect and admiration for Mantle, Rose, Banks, and Sandberg. I also kind of like Dempster a little, and I'm indifferent to Santo. I can't stand PayRod or Warner, so this looks like a landslide for party 1 to me. The Arod bat is probably the most expensive single item in the deal, but like in fantasy or APBA/Strat leagues, it's ok to give up the best player in the deal as long as you get substantial quality in return, and there's plenty of quality going in both directions in this deal. The condition of the Banks ticket would probably be the deciding factor for me if I was on the fence.
  • Sean, here's my take. You trade what you trade for what you want when collecting is all you care about. The only value you misplaced was that something might have no value at all if it's priceless to you.

    I wouldn't trade four times that list of items for this card.


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