For Trade: US Mint Medals
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I was just filing some of my recent purchases, and it struck me that I have a lot of duplicates of Julian-listed US Mint medals. I think these medals are undervalued right now, so I don’t want to sell my duplicates... but maybe someone else is in the same situation and we could trade one undervalued piece for another?
(I would potentially be interested in buying similar pieces, even if you don't want to trade)
I have the following available (and possibly others as I find them):
IP-17 Martin Van Buren, 76 mm. Bronze. AU/Unc, nice.
IP-21 John Tyler, 76 mm. Bronze. AU/Unc, nice.
IP-27 Zachary Taylor, 76 mm. Bronze XF PVC residue, AU PVC residue (2 pcs)
IP-40. Andrew Johnson, 76 mm. Bronze. Unc, obverse spot.
MI-7 Daniel Morgan. Barre copy dies circa 1839. Bronzed copper. Unc.
MI-26 Winfield Scott. Bronze. AU, corrosion spot, rim dings.
MI-31 New York Volunteers shield. Bronze. Unc, 105 x 74 mm, one of the largest Julian-listed US Mint medals. Only 17 struck. Unc.
MI-32 New York Volunteers. Bronze. Unc, XF scratched, residue (2 pcs)
NA-2 Thomas Truxtun. Bronze. Unc.
NA-7 William Burrows. Bronze. Unc, threaded hole on center of reverse.
PR-11 Zachary Taylor. Bronze. Unc.
PR-12 Abraham Lincoln. Bronze. Unc.
PR-16 U. S. Grant Birthday 1890. Silver. Unc details harshly cleaned and holed on top edge. Super-rare! Zero auction appearances?
PR-17 U. S. Grant Birthday 1891. Bronze. Unc.
PR-24 Benjamin Harrison. Bronze. AU, dull/spotted surfaces.
PR-25 Washington military bust born/died. Bronze. AU.
PR-26 Washington civil bust born/died. Silver. XF (3 pcs)
PR-26var (diagonal dentils) Washington civil bust born/died. Bronze. Unc.
PR-27 Washington Time Increases His Fame. Silver. Unc.
PR-27 Washington Time Increases His Fame. Bronze. XF, some rim dings and scratches.
PR-28var Washington/Jackson (AP on Washington truncation; blank Jackson truncation). Silver. AU/Unc
PR-29 Washington/Jackson. Silver. AU, AU, VF, VF (4 pcs)
PR-29 Washington/Jackson. Bronze (19th century strike). Unc. 19th century bronze strikes much rarer than silver.
PR-30 Washington/Lincoln. Silver. Unc, Unc. AU, VF, F (5 pcs)
PR-31var Washington/Lincoln (plain Lincoln truncation). Silver. XF, AU, AU (3 pcs)
PR-33 Jackson Inaugurated March IV. Silver. Unc, bent
PR-33 Jackson Inaugurated. March IV. Bronze. Unc. Much rarer in bronze than silver!
PR-34 Jackson Inaugurated March 4. Silver. VF, dings. Much rarer than the March IV (PR-33) version
PE-35 John Trumbull. Bronze. AU details heavily corroded
PR-36 Lincoln Born/Assassinated. Silver. XF, Unc (2 pcs)
PR-38 Lincoln/Grant Silver. VG (a US Mint Medal pocketpiece!)
PR-40 Lincoln/Garfield. Silver. XF.
PR-41 Lincoln/Garfield. Silver. AU/Unc.
PR-43 Garfield. Silver. Unc.
PR-44 Garfield. Silver. Unc.
PR- Grover Cleveland Second Term Presidential Medal, 1893. Bronze. Unc.
MT-22 Mint Cabinet. Silver. XF.
MT-22 Mint Cabinet. Bronze. Unc. (2 pcs), AU/Unc.
MT-23 Mint Cabinet. Bronze. Unc reverse scratches, AU. (2 pcs)
PE-2 Louis Agassiz. Bronze. Chocolate Unc nice!
PE-3 Washington Allston. Bronze. AU/Unc in separated original box
PE-15 David Hosack. Bronze. XF
PE-24 William Page. Bronze. AU.
PE-26 Commodore M. C. Perry. Bronze. Unc with some marks, AU (2 pcs)
PE-33 Gilbert Stuart. Bronze AU/Unc.
CM-1 Washington Grays. Bronze. Unc.
CM-2 Oath of Allegiance. Silver, XF
CM-2 Oath of Allegiance. Bronze, AU/Unc, XF Corroded (2 pcs)
CM-9 Visit of the Buffalonians. Bronze, VF, AU (2 pcs)
CM-12 Charleston Centennial. AU, AU/Unc, refinished by NCS (2 pcs)
CM-13 Chicago Fire. XF cleaned
CM-16 Emancipation Proclamation. Bronze. XF, rim ding.
CM-18 Grant parade. Brass. AU/UNC
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. Silver. Unc, Hairlined Unc, Hairlined Unc, XF (4 pcs)
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. WM. Unc; Unc; Unc; XF/AU, holed (4 pcs)
CM-27 Maris Family Centennial. Bronze. AU environmental damage, Unc old cleaning, Unc, Unc, Unc. (4 pcs)
CM-28 Mecklenburg Centennial. Copper, AU, AU/Unc, Unc with some red (3 pcs)
CM-29 Memorial Hall Centennial Exposition WM. Unc, Unc, slight rim ding (2 pcs)
CM-33 Mighty Dollar. WM. AU; AU; XF; XF; VF holed, digs. (5 pcs)
CM-33 Mighty Dollar. Bronze. VF/XF no major problems
CM-35 National Convention of Cattlemen. WM. AU, XF, XF, , VF (4 pcs)
CM-37 New Haven Bicentennial, without sun variety. Copper. AU rim dings
CM-37 New Haven Bicentennial, with sun variety. Copper. XF holed
CM-38 Massachusetts Oval Tree. Silver. XF/AU holed (as are most) (3 pcs)
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Silver. Unc (1 pc) Unc cleaned (2 pcs)
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Gilt bronze (NOT brass — unlisted in gilt bronze). Unc
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Bronze. Unc (4 pcs) VF (1 pc)
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Yellow bronze, Unc, AU. (2 pcs)
CM-43 Great Central Fair. Bronze. XF
CM-43 Great Central Fair. Silver. XF, reverse planchet flaw
CM-44 Great Central Fair. Bronze. AU (2 pcs)
CM-46 Schuylkill Navy. Copper. VG cleaned, Unc claw loop (2 pcs) (very rare)
SC-11 Boston Schools. Silver. AU, AU, XF, VF/XF (4 pcs)
SC-12 Boston Schools City Medal. Silver. AU, AU, Unc (3 pcs, each looped), Unc (holed and looped)
SC-14 Buffalo Schools (#2159) Silver. XF
SC-14 Buffalo Schools. (#220) Silver. XF. Holed. Mounts removed. Very low serial number.
SC-15 Buffalo Schools. Silver. Unc (2 pcs)
SC-17 College of the City of New York Elisha Riggs. Bronze. AU light corrosion
SC-18 Columbia University. Copper, AU.
SC-18 Columbia University, signed BALE. Copper, VF
SC-31 George Peabody. Bronze. Unc.
SC-43 Portland High School. Silver. AU. Looped
SC-50 Denman Medal. Silver. AU cleaned.
SC-52 Samuel Bridge. Silver. XF. Looped
SC-52 Samuel Bridge. Silver. XF. Claw loop.
SC-53 [Santa Clara College] (these examples not US Mint medals but same overall design]. Silver. Unc. (2 pcs)
SC-68 Wilmington Schools for Perfect Attendance. Silver. AU.
SC-71 Worcester Schools WM. Unc, tin pest.
AM-6 American Pomological Society. Bronze. Unc in plush case. Bronze is rarer than silver for this one!
AM-15 The Agricultural & Industrial Society of Delaware County PA. Bronze. Unc, Unc. (2 pcs)
AM-16 Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. Bronze. Unc, rim ding
AM-16 Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. Bronze. XF, scratched
AM-23. Fulton Institute. White Metal. XF.
AM-34. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1860. Bronze. Unc, AU, AU (3 pcs)
AM-40.5. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1887. Bronze. Unc
AM-41. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1890. Silver. AU, rim dings rev.
AM-41.5. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1892. Bronze. Unc, Unc, AU (3 pcs).
AM-42 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Bronze. Unc, some spots, AU (2 pcs).
AM-42 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Silver, MACO (awarded 1933). Unc, rough surfaces
AM-43 Massachusetts Horticultural Society Appleton medal. Bronze. XF, cleaned (2 pcs)
AM-49 National Academy of Design Suydam. Silver. Unc. Awarded to listed artist Joseph Decker (1853-1924)
AM-51. National Fair Association. XF, major rim dings, gouges. (but very rare!)
AM-54 New England Agricultural Society. Bronze. Unc, Unc, Unc, AU (4 pcs)
AM-60 Central New York Poultry Association. Silver. XF
AM-65 Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. Bronze. AU, AU+ (light scratches) (2 pcs)
AM-69 Pennsylvania Inter-State Fair. Bronze. VF, cleaned
AM-70 City of Philadelphia John Scott medal (4 inches!). Bronze. Unc.
AM-75 St. Louis Agricultural & Mechanical Association. Silver, VG holed.
AM-78 United States Agricultural Society. Silver. Unc.
AM-78 United States Agricultural Society. Bronze. Unc.
AM-84 Worcester County Mechanics Association. Bronze. AU, cleaned.
MK-32 Massachusetts Rifle Association. Bronze. AU/Unc.
LS-4 Coast Survey (Bache). Bronze. Unc.
LS-14 John Horn. Bronze. Unc.
RF-6 Knights Templar Bell medal. Silvered bronze. AU
RF-7 New York Masonic Temple. Bronze. Unc.
RF-9 Philadelphia Commanderies Pilgrimage to San Francisco. Gilt, holed. Unc hairlined
RF-9 Philadelphia Commanderies Pilgrimage to San Francisco. Bronze, holed. AU.
RF-20 St. John's Commandery No. 4. Gilt, suspension hole on top edge. Unc hairlined
RF-21 Saint John's Lodge. Bronze, claw loop. Unc.
RF-22 Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Bronze. Unc claw loop, AU claw loop, XF, F (4 pcs).
UN-2 Society Army of the Cumberland. White metal. AU.
UN-3 Society Army of the Tennessee. Brass. Unc, some rev spots.
UN-9 Lambert Cogswell. Copper, matte. AU.
UN-21 Arthur Orr. Bronze, AU. Exceedingly rare!
UN-26 Northern Liberty Fire Co No. 1 Silver oval. AU, XF. (2 pcs) Exceedingly rare!
UN-29 Portsmouth, Virginia. Bronze. Unc, AU some spots (2 pcs)
These are not listed in Julian and may or may not actually have be struck at the US Mint:
1876 Knights of Pythias American Centennial medal, by Barber. WM. XF.
Philadelphia Kennel Club, by Barber. Awarded in 1884 (engraved). Silver, very rough.
1887 International Medical Congress by C. E. Barber. Bronze, corroded some surface marks
These are post-Julian but definitely produced at the US Mint
1897 Philadelphia Commercial Museum. AU, Unc (2 pcs)
Society of American Florists (awarded 1901, 1902, 1913, 1913). Bronze. Unc. Nice! (2 pcs)
New York Florist’s Club (awarded 1920) Silver. Unc. Nice! (2 pcs)
c1920 American Rose Society. Silver. XF/AU
American Iris Society (awarded 1932). Silver. Unc. Likely US Mint stiking.
1940 Greenwich, CT Tecentennial (Turner AA1, Dean D1940-1). Copper. RB Unc. (2 pcs)
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, Portugal. Silver. Unc.
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, South America. Silver. Unc (several pcs)
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, Summit Paris. Silver. Unc, Unc cleaned (2 pcs)
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, blank. Silver. Unc. (several pcs)
1963 West Virginia Statehood (Turner 8, Dean 1963-1). Copper. Unc, Unc, Unc (3 pcs)
1963 Padre Junipero Serra (Turner 9, Dean 1963-2). Silver. Unc.
1963 Padre Junipero Serra (Turner 9, Dean 1963-2). Bronze. Unc. (3 pcs)
1966 St. Louis Bicentennial (Turner 12, Dean 1966-3). Silver. AU.
1967 Seabees 25th Anniversary (Turner 17, Dean 1967-1) Silver. Unc.
1967 Alaska Purchase Sesquicentennial (Turner 19, Dean 1967-3). Copper. Unc in original pouch
1967 Alaska Purchase Sesquicentennial (Turner 19, Dean 1967-3). Silver. Unc.
1968 San Antonio 250th Anniversary (Turner 21, Dean 1968-1c). Copper. Unc.
1969 Golden Spike Centennial (Turner 23, Dean 1969-2). Copper, Unc.
1969 Westminster College (Turner 27, 1969-5). Silver. Unc, Unc. Unc. Unc. (3 pcs)
1969 Memphis Sesquicentennial (Turner 25, Dean 1969-3). Silver. Unc.
1969 Alabama Sesquicentennial (Turner 30, Dean 1969-6). Silver and Copper Unc pair in original holder.
1970 American Fisheries Society Centennial (Turner 32, Dean 1970-3). Copper. Unc some fingerprints
I'm going to add some award medals that weren't produced at the US Mint. These are all roughly 1.5 inches in diameter:
Scientia Est Potentia / Reward of Merit (by Key, c1860s) WM. Unc (2 pcs)
Foster Medal (Chicago) awarded 1880. Silver. XF/AU.
Johnstown, PA Incorporated 1889. Chocolate bronze. Unc, claw loop
Boston Poultry Association Challenge Cup (unsigned, one dated 1902) Silver. XF/AU (2 pcs)
New Jersey Florists Association (Dieges & Clust, awarded 1930) Silver. Unc.
International Flower Show (unsigned, awarded 1930). Silver. Unc, rim ding
Northern Ohio Fair Association (unsigned, awarded 1872) Bronze. XF, rim dings
Saint Charles Borromeo Academy, Philadelphia (unsigned, c1880s?) Gilt silver. AU (3 pcs)
Providence Public Schools Senator Anthony Prize (Gorham, awarded 1897 and 1917) Silver. XF/AU
American Jersey Cattle Club (MACO, awarded 1923) Silver. Unc.
New Jersey State Agricultural Society, by G. H. Lovett. Bronze. Unc with some spots
These are all roughly 2 inches in diameter:
American Institute Medal of Merit (awarded 1884). Bronze. Unc
California State Agricultural Society (Larson & Co. awarded 1912). Gilt silver. AU severe rim / edge damage
California State Agricultural Society (MF Co. awarded 1938). Gilt silver. AU
Cincinnati Industrial Exposition (awarded 1875). Silver. AU
Connecticut State Poultry Society (awarded 1873). Bronze. AU
Connecticut State Poultry Society (awarded 1874). Bronze. AU
Horticultural Society of Chicago (awarded 1913). Bronze. Unc
Mercer County Agricultural Fair Association (New Jersey) (awarded but undated). Double-struck Bronze. Cleaned AU.
National Fanciers and Breeders Association (awarded 1903). Silver. AU
National Fanciers and Breeders Association (awarded 1907). Silver. AU
Nebraska Board of Agriculture. (Bailey & Co. awarded but undated, circa 1870s). Silver. VF/XF heavy marks
New Mexico Exposition & Driving Park Association (Demarest, unawarded circa 1880s). Territorial! Bronze. AU/Unc.
New York Florists Club (MACO, awarded 1939). Silver. Unc, heavy scratches reverse.
Orange County [New York] Agricultural Society unawarded. Bronze. AU
Orange County [New York] Agricultural Society (awarded 1908, 1911, 1911, 1914, 1914) Bronze. AU, AU, AU, AU, AU (5 pcs, all with environmental damage)
Philadelphia Inquirer Championship Medal (pictures two roosters and a hen). Bronze. Unc, looped
Western New York Fair of Rochester. Silver. AU
(I would potentially be interested in buying similar pieces, even if you don't want to trade)
I have the following available (and possibly others as I find them):
IP-17 Martin Van Buren, 76 mm. Bronze. AU/Unc, nice.
IP-21 John Tyler, 76 mm. Bronze. AU/Unc, nice.
IP-27 Zachary Taylor, 76 mm. Bronze XF PVC residue, AU PVC residue (2 pcs)
IP-40. Andrew Johnson, 76 mm. Bronze. Unc, obverse spot.
MI-7 Daniel Morgan. Barre copy dies circa 1839. Bronzed copper. Unc.
MI-26 Winfield Scott. Bronze. AU, corrosion spot, rim dings.
MI-31 New York Volunteers shield. Bronze. Unc, 105 x 74 mm, one of the largest Julian-listed US Mint medals. Only 17 struck. Unc.
MI-32 New York Volunteers. Bronze. Unc, XF scratched, residue (2 pcs)
NA-2 Thomas Truxtun. Bronze. Unc.
NA-7 William Burrows. Bronze. Unc, threaded hole on center of reverse.
PR-11 Zachary Taylor. Bronze. Unc.
PR-12 Abraham Lincoln. Bronze. Unc.
PR-16 U. S. Grant Birthday 1890. Silver. Unc details harshly cleaned and holed on top edge. Super-rare! Zero auction appearances?
PR-17 U. S. Grant Birthday 1891. Bronze. Unc.
PR-24 Benjamin Harrison. Bronze. AU, dull/spotted surfaces.
PR-25 Washington military bust born/died. Bronze. AU.
PR-26 Washington civil bust born/died. Silver. XF (3 pcs)
PR-26var (diagonal dentils) Washington civil bust born/died. Bronze. Unc.
PR-27 Washington Time Increases His Fame. Silver. Unc.
PR-27 Washington Time Increases His Fame. Bronze. XF, some rim dings and scratches.
PR-28var Washington/Jackson (AP on Washington truncation; blank Jackson truncation). Silver. AU/Unc
PR-29 Washington/Jackson. Silver. AU, AU, VF, VF (4 pcs)
PR-29 Washington/Jackson. Bronze (19th century strike). Unc. 19th century bronze strikes much rarer than silver.
PR-30 Washington/Lincoln. Silver. Unc, Unc. AU, VF, F (5 pcs)
PR-31var Washington/Lincoln (plain Lincoln truncation). Silver. XF, AU, AU (3 pcs)
PR-33 Jackson Inaugurated March IV. Silver. Unc, bent
PR-33 Jackson Inaugurated. March IV. Bronze. Unc. Much rarer in bronze than silver!
PR-34 Jackson Inaugurated March 4. Silver. VF, dings. Much rarer than the March IV (PR-33) version
PE-35 John Trumbull. Bronze. AU details heavily corroded
PR-36 Lincoln Born/Assassinated. Silver. XF, Unc (2 pcs)
PR-38 Lincoln/Grant Silver. VG (a US Mint Medal pocketpiece!)
PR-40 Lincoln/Garfield. Silver. XF.
PR-41 Lincoln/Garfield. Silver. AU/Unc.
PR-43 Garfield. Silver. Unc.
PR-44 Garfield. Silver. Unc.
PR- Grover Cleveland Second Term Presidential Medal, 1893. Bronze. Unc.
MT-22 Mint Cabinet. Silver. XF.
MT-22 Mint Cabinet. Bronze. Unc. (2 pcs), AU/Unc.
MT-23 Mint Cabinet. Bronze. Unc reverse scratches, AU. (2 pcs)
PE-2 Louis Agassiz. Bronze. Chocolate Unc nice!
PE-3 Washington Allston. Bronze. AU/Unc in separated original box
PE-15 David Hosack. Bronze. XF
PE-24 William Page. Bronze. AU.
PE-26 Commodore M. C. Perry. Bronze. Unc with some marks, AU (2 pcs)
PE-33 Gilbert Stuart. Bronze AU/Unc.
CM-1 Washington Grays. Bronze. Unc.
CM-2 Oath of Allegiance. Silver, XF
CM-2 Oath of Allegiance. Bronze, AU/Unc, XF Corroded (2 pcs)
CM-9 Visit of the Buffalonians. Bronze, VF, AU (2 pcs)
CM-12 Charleston Centennial. AU, AU/Unc, refinished by NCS (2 pcs)
CM-13 Chicago Fire. XF cleaned
CM-16 Emancipation Proclamation. Bronze. XF, rim ding.
CM-18 Grant parade. Brass. AU/UNC
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. Silver. Unc, Hairlined Unc, Hairlined Unc, XF (4 pcs)
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. WM. Unc; Unc; Unc; XF/AU, holed (4 pcs)
CM-27 Maris Family Centennial. Bronze. AU environmental damage, Unc old cleaning, Unc, Unc, Unc. (4 pcs)
CM-28 Mecklenburg Centennial. Copper, AU, AU/Unc, Unc with some red (3 pcs)
CM-29 Memorial Hall Centennial Exposition WM. Unc, Unc, slight rim ding (2 pcs)
CM-33 Mighty Dollar. WM. AU; AU; XF; XF; VF holed, digs. (5 pcs)
CM-33 Mighty Dollar. Bronze. VF/XF no major problems
CM-35 National Convention of Cattlemen. WM. AU, XF, XF, , VF (4 pcs)
CM-37 New Haven Bicentennial, without sun variety. Copper. AU rim dings
CM-37 New Haven Bicentennial, with sun variety. Copper. XF holed
CM-38 Massachusetts Oval Tree. Silver. XF/AU holed (as are most) (3 pcs)
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Silver. Unc (1 pc) Unc cleaned (2 pcs)
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Gilt bronze (NOT brass — unlisted in gilt bronze). Unc
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Bronze. Unc (4 pcs) VF (1 pc)
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Yellow bronze, Unc, AU. (2 pcs)
CM-43 Great Central Fair. Bronze. XF
CM-43 Great Central Fair. Silver. XF, reverse planchet flaw
CM-44 Great Central Fair. Bronze. AU (2 pcs)
CM-46 Schuylkill Navy. Copper. VG cleaned, Unc claw loop (2 pcs) (very rare)
SC-11 Boston Schools. Silver. AU, AU, XF, VF/XF (4 pcs)
SC-12 Boston Schools City Medal. Silver. AU, AU, Unc (3 pcs, each looped), Unc (holed and looped)
SC-14 Buffalo Schools (#2159) Silver. XF
SC-14 Buffalo Schools. (#220) Silver. XF. Holed. Mounts removed. Very low serial number.
SC-15 Buffalo Schools. Silver. Unc (2 pcs)
SC-17 College of the City of New York Elisha Riggs. Bronze. AU light corrosion
SC-18 Columbia University. Copper, AU.
SC-18 Columbia University, signed BALE. Copper, VF
SC-31 George Peabody. Bronze. Unc.
SC-43 Portland High School. Silver. AU. Looped
SC-50 Denman Medal. Silver. AU cleaned.
SC-52 Samuel Bridge. Silver. XF. Looped
SC-52 Samuel Bridge. Silver. XF. Claw loop.
SC-53 [Santa Clara College] (these examples not US Mint medals but same overall design]. Silver. Unc. (2 pcs)
SC-68 Wilmington Schools for Perfect Attendance. Silver. AU.
SC-71 Worcester Schools WM. Unc, tin pest.
AM-6 American Pomological Society. Bronze. Unc in plush case. Bronze is rarer than silver for this one!
AM-15 The Agricultural & Industrial Society of Delaware County PA. Bronze. Unc, Unc. (2 pcs)
AM-16 Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. Bronze. Unc, rim ding
AM-16 Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. Bronze. XF, scratched
AM-23. Fulton Institute. White Metal. XF.
AM-34. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1860. Bronze. Unc, AU, AU (3 pcs)
AM-40.5. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1887. Bronze. Unc
AM-41. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1890. Silver. AU, rim dings rev.
AM-41.5. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1892. Bronze. Unc, Unc, AU (3 pcs).
AM-42 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Bronze. Unc, some spots, AU (2 pcs).
AM-42 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Silver, MACO (awarded 1933). Unc, rough surfaces
AM-43 Massachusetts Horticultural Society Appleton medal. Bronze. XF, cleaned (2 pcs)
AM-49 National Academy of Design Suydam. Silver. Unc. Awarded to listed artist Joseph Decker (1853-1924)
AM-51. National Fair Association. XF, major rim dings, gouges. (but very rare!)
AM-54 New England Agricultural Society. Bronze. Unc, Unc, Unc, AU (4 pcs)
AM-60 Central New York Poultry Association. Silver. XF
AM-65 Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. Bronze. AU, AU+ (light scratches) (2 pcs)
AM-69 Pennsylvania Inter-State Fair. Bronze. VF, cleaned
AM-70 City of Philadelphia John Scott medal (4 inches!). Bronze. Unc.
AM-75 St. Louis Agricultural & Mechanical Association. Silver, VG holed.
AM-78 United States Agricultural Society. Silver. Unc.
AM-78 United States Agricultural Society. Bronze. Unc.
AM-84 Worcester County Mechanics Association. Bronze. AU, cleaned.
MK-32 Massachusetts Rifle Association. Bronze. AU/Unc.
LS-4 Coast Survey (Bache). Bronze. Unc.
LS-14 John Horn. Bronze. Unc.
RF-6 Knights Templar Bell medal. Silvered bronze. AU
RF-7 New York Masonic Temple. Bronze. Unc.
RF-9 Philadelphia Commanderies Pilgrimage to San Francisco. Gilt, holed. Unc hairlined
RF-9 Philadelphia Commanderies Pilgrimage to San Francisco. Bronze, holed. AU.
RF-20 St. John's Commandery No. 4. Gilt, suspension hole on top edge. Unc hairlined
RF-21 Saint John's Lodge. Bronze, claw loop. Unc.
RF-22 Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Bronze. Unc claw loop, AU claw loop, XF, F (4 pcs).
UN-2 Society Army of the Cumberland. White metal. AU.
UN-3 Society Army of the Tennessee. Brass. Unc, some rev spots.
UN-9 Lambert Cogswell. Copper, matte. AU.
UN-21 Arthur Orr. Bronze, AU. Exceedingly rare!
UN-26 Northern Liberty Fire Co No. 1 Silver oval. AU, XF. (2 pcs) Exceedingly rare!
UN-29 Portsmouth, Virginia. Bronze. Unc, AU some spots (2 pcs)
These are not listed in Julian and may or may not actually have be struck at the US Mint:
1876 Knights of Pythias American Centennial medal, by Barber. WM. XF.
Philadelphia Kennel Club, by Barber. Awarded in 1884 (engraved). Silver, very rough.
1887 International Medical Congress by C. E. Barber. Bronze, corroded some surface marks
These are post-Julian but definitely produced at the US Mint
1897 Philadelphia Commercial Museum. AU, Unc (2 pcs)
Society of American Florists (awarded 1901, 1902, 1913, 1913). Bronze. Unc. Nice! (2 pcs)
New York Florist’s Club (awarded 1920) Silver. Unc. Nice! (2 pcs)
c1920 American Rose Society. Silver. XF/AU
American Iris Society (awarded 1932). Silver. Unc. Likely US Mint stiking.
1940 Greenwich, CT Tecentennial (Turner AA1, Dean D1940-1). Copper. RB Unc. (2 pcs)
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, Portugal. Silver. Unc.
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, South America. Silver. Unc (several pcs)
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, Summit Paris. Silver. Unc, Unc cleaned (2 pcs)
1960 Eisenhower 'With Appreciation' trip series, blank. Silver. Unc. (several pcs)
1963 West Virginia Statehood (Turner 8, Dean 1963-1). Copper. Unc, Unc, Unc (3 pcs)
1963 Padre Junipero Serra (Turner 9, Dean 1963-2). Silver. Unc.
1963 Padre Junipero Serra (Turner 9, Dean 1963-2). Bronze. Unc. (3 pcs)
1966 St. Louis Bicentennial (Turner 12, Dean 1966-3). Silver. AU.
1967 Seabees 25th Anniversary (Turner 17, Dean 1967-1) Silver. Unc.
1967 Alaska Purchase Sesquicentennial (Turner 19, Dean 1967-3). Copper. Unc in original pouch
1967 Alaska Purchase Sesquicentennial (Turner 19, Dean 1967-3). Silver. Unc.
1968 San Antonio 250th Anniversary (Turner 21, Dean 1968-1c). Copper. Unc.
1969 Golden Spike Centennial (Turner 23, Dean 1969-2). Copper, Unc.
1969 Westminster College (Turner 27, 1969-5). Silver. Unc, Unc. Unc. Unc. (3 pcs)
1969 Memphis Sesquicentennial (Turner 25, Dean 1969-3). Silver. Unc.
1969 Alabama Sesquicentennial (Turner 30, Dean 1969-6). Silver and Copper Unc pair in original holder.
1970 American Fisheries Society Centennial (Turner 32, Dean 1970-3). Copper. Unc some fingerprints
I'm going to add some award medals that weren't produced at the US Mint. These are all roughly 1.5 inches in diameter:
Scientia Est Potentia / Reward of Merit (by Key, c1860s) WM. Unc (2 pcs)
Foster Medal (Chicago) awarded 1880. Silver. XF/AU.
Johnstown, PA Incorporated 1889. Chocolate bronze. Unc, claw loop
Boston Poultry Association Challenge Cup (unsigned, one dated 1902) Silver. XF/AU (2 pcs)
New Jersey Florists Association (Dieges & Clust, awarded 1930) Silver. Unc.
International Flower Show (unsigned, awarded 1930). Silver. Unc, rim ding
Northern Ohio Fair Association (unsigned, awarded 1872) Bronze. XF, rim dings
Saint Charles Borromeo Academy, Philadelphia (unsigned, c1880s?) Gilt silver. AU (3 pcs)
Providence Public Schools Senator Anthony Prize (Gorham, awarded 1897 and 1917) Silver. XF/AU
American Jersey Cattle Club (MACO, awarded 1923) Silver. Unc.
New Jersey State Agricultural Society, by G. H. Lovett. Bronze. Unc with some spots
These are all roughly 2 inches in diameter:
American Institute Medal of Merit (awarded 1884). Bronze. Unc
California State Agricultural Society (Larson & Co. awarded 1912). Gilt silver. AU severe rim / edge damage
California State Agricultural Society (MF Co. awarded 1938). Gilt silver. AU
Cincinnati Industrial Exposition (awarded 1875). Silver. AU
Connecticut State Poultry Society (awarded 1873). Bronze. AU
Connecticut State Poultry Society (awarded 1874). Bronze. AU
Horticultural Society of Chicago (awarded 1913). Bronze. Unc
Mercer County Agricultural Fair Association (New Jersey) (awarded but undated). Double-struck Bronze. Cleaned AU.
National Fanciers and Breeders Association (awarded 1903). Silver. AU
National Fanciers and Breeders Association (awarded 1907). Silver. AU
Nebraska Board of Agriculture. (Bailey & Co. awarded but undated, circa 1870s). Silver. VF/XF heavy marks
New Mexico Exposition & Driving Park Association (Demarest, unawarded circa 1880s). Territorial! Bronze. AU/Unc.
New York Florists Club (MACO, awarded 1939). Silver. Unc, heavy scratches reverse.
Orange County [New York] Agricultural Society unawarded. Bronze. AU
Orange County [New York] Agricultural Society (awarded 1908, 1911, 1911, 1914, 1914) Bronze. AU, AU, AU, AU, AU (5 pcs, all with environmental damage)
Philadelphia Inquirer Championship Medal (pictures two roosters and a hen). Bronze. Unc, looped
Western New York Fair of Rochester. Silver. AU
"Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon
I've been staying away from the NA series (and the MI and IP series for the same reason). Those pieces are practically 'common' compared to some of the other US Mint medals. Despite that, the demand is high, and so are the prices. I'm focusing on the other stuff.
AM-15 The Agricultural & Industrial Society of Delaware County PA. Bronze. Unc.
CM-9 Visit of the Buffalonians. VF.
MI-28 Colonel Bliss. Bronze. AU, some knocks
CM-2 Oath of Allegiance. Silver, XF
CM-2 Oath of Allegiance. Bronze, AU/Unc
CM-18 Grant parade. Brass. AU/UNC
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. Silver. XF
SC-50 Denman Medal. Silver. AU cleaned.
SC-52 Samuel Bridge. Silver. XF.
AM-16 Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. Bronze. Unc, rim ding
MI-26 Winfield Scott. Bronze. AU, corrosion spot, rim dings.
MT-5. James Pollock. Bronze. AU, cleaned.
PE-37 Daniel Webster. Bronze. XF, several digs.
CM-35 National Convention of Cattlemen. WM. AU.
IP-8. James Monroe, 76 mm. Second reverse (flat-top A's). Bronze. AU, corrosion spots rev.
AM-23. Fulton Institute. White Metal. XF.
AM-41. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1890. Silver. AU, rim dings rev.
AM-41.5. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1892. Bronze. AU.
AM-51. National Fair Association. XF, major rim dings, gouges. (but very rare!)
CM-44 Great Central Fair. Bronze. AU
CM-12 Charleston Centennial. AU/Unc, refinished by NCS
CM-43 Great Central Fair. Bronze. XF
CM-43 Great Central Fair. Silver. XF, reverse planchet flaw
SC-14 Buffalo Schools. XF. Holed. Mounts removed. Very low serial number: 220.
SC-52 Samuel Bridge. Silver. XF. Claw loop.
1956 Texas Heritage Foundation. Unc, small corrosion spots
Not added to the main list because I haven't decided what to do with them:
Nearly complete set of US Mint War of 1812 medals. 19th century strikes. Julian MI-11 through MI-22 (sequential), Julian NA-1, NA-3 through NA-6, NA-8 through NA-17, NA-21 through NA-23. (30 medals total.) Every single one of them cleaned. Aargh!
PR-16 U. S. Grant Birthday 1890. Silver. Unc details harshly cleaned and holed on top edge. Super-rare! Zero auction appearances?
CM-42 Pennsylvania Bicentennial. Gilt bronze (NOT brass -- unlisted in gilt bronze). Unc
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. WM. Unc
CM-29 Memorial Hall Centennial Exposition WM. Unc, slight rim ding
Scientia Est Potentia / Reward of Merit (by Key, c1860s) WM. Unc (2 pcs)
Boston Poultry Association Challenge Cup (unsigned, one dated 1902) Silver. XF/AU (2 pcs)
New Jersey Florists Association (Dieges & Clust, awarded 1930) Silver. Unc.
International Flower Show (unsigned, awarded 1930). Silver. Unc, rim ding
Northern Ohio Fair Association (unsigned, awarded 1872) Bronze. XF, rim dings
Saint Charles Borromeo Academy, Philadelphia (unsigned, c1880s?) Gilt silver. AU (3 pcs)
Providence Public Schools Senator Anthony Prize (Gorham, awarded 1897 and 1917) Silver. XF/AU
American Jersey Cattle Club (MACO, awarded 1923) Silver. Unc.
CM-38 Massachusetts Oval Tree. Silver. XF/AU holed (as are all)
SC-17 College of the City of New York Elisha Riggs. Bronze. AU light corrosion
RF-20 St. John's Commandery No. 4. Gilt, suspension hole on top edge. Unc hairlined
PR-43 Garfield. Silver. Unc
AM-60 Central New York Poultry Association. Silver. XF
CM-33 Mighty Dollar. WM. XF
AM-47 Middlesex Mechanic Association. Silver. Unc.
MI-32 New York Volunteers. Bronze. Unc.
PR-29 Washington/Jackson. Silver. VF.
MT-23 Mint Cabinet. Bronze. AU.
PE-26 Commodore M. C. Perry. Bronze. AU.
CM-38 Massachusetts Oval Tree. Silver. XF/AU holed (as are all)
IP-17 Martin Van Buren, 76 mm. Bronze. AU/Unc, nice.
IP-21 John Tyler, 76 mm. Bronze. AU/Unc, nice.
PR-24 Benjamin Harrison. Bronze. AU, dull/spotted surfaces.
PR-25 Washington military bust born/died. Bronze. AU.
PR-26var (diagonal dentils) Washington civil bust born/died. Bronze. Unc.
PR- Grover Cleveland Second Term Presidential Medal, 1893. Bronze. Unc.
SC-11 Boston Schools. Silver. VF/XF
UN-3 Society Army of the Tennessee. Brass. Unc, some rev spots.
Foster Medal (Chicago) awarded 1880. Silver. XF/AU.
PR-36 Lincoln Born/Assassinated. Silver. XF
PE-3 Washington Allston. Bronze. AU/Unc in separated original box
SC-31 George Peabody. Bronze. Unc.
IP-40. Andrew Johnson, 76 mm. Bronze. Unc, obverse spot.
PE-2 Louis Agassiz. Bronze. Chocolate Unc nice!
CM-13 Chicago Fire. XF cleaned
AM-65 Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. Bronze. AU+ (light scratches)
UN-26 Northern Liberty Fire Co No. 1 Silver oval. XF. Exceedingly rare!
PR-31var Washington/Lincoln (plain Lincoln truncation). Silver. AU
CM-27 Maris Family Centennial. Bronze. Unc.
CM-29 Memorial Hall Centennial Exposition WM. Unc
CM-33 Mighty Dollar. Bronze. VF/XF no major problems
CM-46 Schuylkill Navy. Copper. VG cleaned (very rare)
RF-22 Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Bronze. Unc claw loop
New Jersey State Agricultural Society, by G. H. Lovett. Bronze. Unc with some spots
PR-38 Lincoln/Grant Silver. VG (a US Mint Medal pocketpiece!)
PE-15 David Hosack. Bronze. XF
MT-23 Mint Cabinet. Bronze. Unc reverse scratches
CM-12 Charleston Centennial. AU
AM-34. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1860. Bronze. AU, AU (2 pcs)
LS-14 John Horn. Bronze. Unc.
c1920 American Rose Society. Silver. XF/AU
UN-29 Portsmouth, Virginia. Bronze. Unc.
Society of American Florists (awarded 1913). Bronze. Unc. Nice! (2 pcs)
New York Florist’s Club (awarded 1920) Silver. Unc. Nice! (2 pcs)
American Kennel Club. (awarded but undated). Silver AU
American Institute Medal of Merit (awarded 1884). Bronze. Unc
California State Agricultural Society (MF Co. awarded 1938). Gilt silver. AU
Cincinnati Industrial Exposition (awarded 1875). Silver. AU
Connecticut State Poultry Society (awarded 1873). Bronze. AU
Connecticut State Poultry Society (awarded 1874). Bronze. AU
Mercer County Agricultural Fair *****ociation (New Jersey) (awarded but undated). Double-struck Bronze. Cleaned AU.
National Fanciers and Breeders *****ociation (awarded 1903). Silver. AU
National Fanciers and Breeders *****ociation (awarded 1907). Silver. AU
Nebraska Board of Agriculture. (Bailey & Co. awarded but undated, circa 1870s). Silver. VF/XF heavy marks
New Mexico Exposition & Driving Park *****ociation (Demarest, unawarded circa 1880s). Territorial! Bronze. AU/Unc.
New York Florists Club (MACO, awarded 1939). Silver. Unc, heavy scratches reverse.
AM-6 American Pomological Society. Bronze. Unc in plush case. Bronze is rarer than silver for this one!
AM-40.5. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1887. Bronze. Unc
RF-7 New York Masonic Temple. Bronze. Unc.
UN-26 Northern Liberty Fire Co No. 1 Silver oval. AU
UN-29 Portsmouth, Virginia. Bronze. Unc, AU some spots (2 pcs)
Thanks, Jan
CM-9 Visit of the Buffalonians. Bronze, AU
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. Silver. Hairlined Unc
AM-42 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Bronze. Unc, nice. Variety with F. N. Mitchell signature
RF-9 Philadelphia Commanderies Pilgrimage to San Francisco. Bronze, holed. AU.
UN-21 Arthur Orr. Bronze, AU. Exceedingly rare!
1963 West Virginia Statehood (Turner 8, Dean 1963-1). Copper. Unc, Unc (2 pcs)
1963 Padre Junipero Serra (Turner 9, Dean 1963-2). Bronze. Unc. (3 pcs)
1966 St. Louis Bicentennial (Turner 12, Dean 1966-3). Silver. AU. (2 pcs)
1969 Westminster College (Turner 27, 1969-5). Silver. Unc.
1969 Golden Spike Centennial (Turner 23, Dean 1969-2). Copper, Unc.
SC-43 Portland High School. Silver. AU. Looped
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. WM. Unc.
1967 Seabees 25th Anniversary (Turner 17, Dean 1967-1) Silver. Unc.
RF-6 Knights Templar Bell medal. Silvered bronze. AU
PR-31var Washington/Lincoln (plain Lincoln truncation). Silver. AU
1897 Philadelphia Commercial Museum. Unc.
1969 Alabama Sesquicentennial (Turner 30, Dean 1969-6). Silver and Copper Unc pair in original holder.
PR-44 Garfield. Silver. Unc.
CM-33 Mighty Dollar. WM. AU.
AM-34. Mass. Charitable Mechanics, 1860. Bronze. Unc.
PR-33 Jackson Inaugurated. Bronze. Unc. Much rarer in bronze than silver!
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. Silver. Unc.
CM 26 Lowell Centennial. WM. AU.
SC-71 Worcester Schools WM. Unc, tin pest.
AM-15 The Agricultural & Industrial Society of Delaware County PA. Bronze. Unc.
AM-75 St. Louis Agricultural & Mechanical Association. Silver, VG holed.
LS-4 Coast Survey (Bache). Bronze. Unc.
PR-11 Zachary Taylor, Bronze. Unc.
PE-33 Gilbert Stuart. Bronze AU/Unc.
1887 International Medical Congress by C. E. Barber. Bronze, corroded some surface marks
American Kennel Club. (awarded to Lord Derby No. 63146 but undated, circa 1903). Silver AU
American Kennel Club. (awarded Peter's Captain No. 187881 but undated, circa 1918). Silver AU
American Kennel Club. (awarded to Waddington Dorcas 365351 but undated, circa 1922). Silver AU
American Kennel Club. (awarded to Arko V.D. Ritterhorst 378379 but undated, circa 1924). Silver AU
American Kennel Club. (awarded to Bushwick Sensation 382328 but undated, circa 1925). Silver AU
Western New York Fair of Rochester . Silver. AU
PR-34 Jackson Inaugurated March 4. Silver. VF, dings. Much rarer than the March IV (PR-33) version
PE-26 Commodore M. C. Perry. Bronze. Unc with some marks,
CM-38 Massachusetts Oval Tree. Silver. XF/AU holed (as are most)
SC-11 Boston Schools. Silver. AU
SC-12 Boston Schools City Medal. Silver. AU, AU, Unc (3 pcs, each looped), Unc (holed and looped)
Johnstown, PA Incorporated 1889. Chocolate bronze. Unc, claw loop
Philadelphia Inquirer Championship Medal (pictures two roosters and a hen). Bronze. Unc, looped
Your yearly bump
Lafayette Grading Set
IP-27 Zachary Taylor, 76 mm. Bronze XF PVC residue, AU PVC residue (2 pcs)
MK-32 Massachusetts Rifle Association. Bronze. AU/Unc.
CM-44 Great Central Fair. Bronze. AU
PR-30 Washington/Lincoln. Silver. Unc
PR-36 Lincoln Born/Assassinated. Silver. Unc
PE-35 John Trumbull. Bronze. AU details heavily corroded
CM-27 Maris Family Centennial. Bronze. AU environmental damage, Unc, Unc (3 pcs)
CM-28 Mecklenburg Centennial. Copper, AU/Unc
CM-46 Schuylkill Navy. Copper. Unc claw loop
SC-18 Columbia University, signed BALE. Copper, VF
AM-42 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Silver, MACO (awarded 1933). Unc, rough surfaces
AM-49 National Academy of Design Suydam. Silver. Unc. Awarded to listed artist Joseph Decker (1853-1924)
1897 Philadelphia Commercial Museum. AU
1963 West Virginia Statehood (Turner 8, Dean 1963-1). Copper. Unc
1968 San Antonio 250th Anniversary (Turner 21, Dean 1968-1c). Copper. Unc.
American Kennel Club. (awarded to Bellhaven Georgian Triumph 364908 but undated, circa 1924). Silver AU
MI-7 Daniel Morgan. Barre copy dies circa 1839. Bronzed copper. Unc.
PR-29 Washington/Jackson. Bronze (19th century strike). Unc. 19th century bronze strikes much rarer than silver.
PR-30 Washington/Lincoln. Silver. Unc.
CM-37 New Haven Bicentennial, with sun variety. Copper. XF holed.
SC-18 Columbia University. Copper, AU.
RF-21 Saint John's Lodge. Bronze, claw loop. Unc.
American Iris Society (awarded 1932). Silver. Unc. Likely US Mint stiking.
MI-31 New York Volunteers shield. Bronze. Unc, 105 x 74 mm, one of the largest Julian-listed US Mint medals. Only 17 struck. Unc.
CM-27 Maris Family Centennial. Bronze. Unc old cleaning
CM-37 New Haven Bicentennial, without sun variety. Copper. AU rim dings
SC-68 Wilmington Schools for Perfect Attendance. Silver. AU.
California State Agricultural Society (Larson & Co. awarded 1912). Gilt silver. AU severe rim / edge damage
NA-2 Thomas Truxtun. Bronze. Unc.
NA-7 William Burrows. Bronze. Unc, threaded hole on center of reverse.
CM-2 Oath of Allegiance. Bronze. XF Corroded
CM-28 Mecklenburg Centennial. Copper, AU, Unc with some red (3 pcs)
1969 Westminster College (Turner 27, 1969-5). Silver. Unc.
Orange County [New York] Agricultural Society unawarded. Bronze. AU
I mean I've got some mint medals but this is gonna take a bit to go thru. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Any thoughts on trading or selling that lowball Lexington commem. Merry Christmas, Bob
Lafayette Grading Set
Sorry, that commem isn't going anywhere for a long time!