Hello all and happy holidays..been selling some carap on the bay..trying to get rid of some stuff....I know paypal charges a fee for the ending amount.....i know this sounds petty but just had to vent and spoke to paypal supervisor about this...say you sell your item for 20.00 and 5 shipping.. they get % on 25.00...but the freaking shipping cost you 5.00 or so...so they are getting their 3% on your shipping......why lose money on shipping???? most of us are prolly losing money on item as it is........I know what you are going to say.. hey, don't use ebay..lol...but lady on phone says if enough complaints that can possibly change.......it worked at the voting booths, didn't it???? so on paypals site on bottom there is an area that says paypal feedback...if enough people took a moment, perhaps we can tell them we want change.. small as it might be.....perhaps one day EBAY will let us take checks and money orders again?????? anyway, thaks for letting this cranky old man vent...HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND GOOD HEALTH TO ALL
always looking for 1969 graded basketball