Hand Drawn Lithographs/ Cards

If you are interested in having a piece commissioned E-mail him at "stephenburkett@yahoo.com"
Any piece of any size can be done.
EACH and every one is made only after you ask for it, and is hand drawn and will never be done like that again.
Stephen Burkett is an amazing artist, and has extremely reasonable prices - I personally love his art.
Since half of these links are working sometimes and not others here is a direct link to the gallery
There are some Lithos.

These are some cards.

Any piece of any size can be done.
EACH and every one is made only after you ask for it, and is hand drawn and will never be done like that again.
Stephen Burkett is an amazing artist, and has extremely reasonable prices - I personally love his art.
Since half of these links are working sometimes and not others here is a direct link to the gallery
There are some Lithos.

These are some cards.

I personally think Gem-Mint’s work is really nice!
Edit* It would be nice so he knows my posts are actually getting some business for him, but you don't have to, I do not get a cut at all.
Cool artwork!
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maybe I'm out on a limb here, and I understand that, but I honestly would not pay to have someone ship those to me. The Mark Sanchez(I think that is who it is) looks like a guy selling hot dogs or tacos in east L.A. on a street corner.
And without question it's spam and in the wrong place, being bumped by you.
1) Should edit this and take Gem Mint out altogether.
2) Since you're not the artist, this should be posted in the B/S/T board.
3) Cool work.
In particular I like the Ripken, kind of looks ghostlike, to me he always kind of had a bit of mystery to his longevity, nice piece.
Good luck with all of it, keep the sports art coming!
">Always looking to complete/update my 1948-Present PSA MLB ROY Set
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Why are you bumping?
My Podcast - Now FEATURED on iTunes
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Why are you bumping? >>
Exactly, please stop bumping.
If you are not the artist then this belongs in the B/S/T forum.
Should probably get moved to buying/selling I suppose like someone else said.
<< <i>Because it was on page 5 and had not been posted on 2 days ago?
Should probably get moved to buying/selling I suppose like someone else said. >>
Sean, invite the artist to come here and get to know us.
<< <i>He had actually asked about that and I told him some times it gets rough. I'll send him an email and see
It never gets rough if it's done appropriately and in the correct forum. This thread belongs in the B/S/T if you're trying to get these sold for him (with or without financial interest in it).
If the artist wanted to stop by, this would be the proper forum.
My Podcast - Now FEATURED on iTunes
My name is Stephen Burkett, and I am the artist associated with ABS (Art By Steve) Sketch Cards & Lithographs. I have been drawing my entire life, and for the last year have been creating these sketch cards as well as other works for sale on Ebay.
For those of you that may be interested in my work, please check out my website: http://stephenburkett.squarespace.com http://stephenburkett.squarespace.com
You can check out all of the cards I have done in the last year or so, as well as larger works of art.
I was invited to this board by Sean, who I assure you, is not receiving any commission whatsoever. I thank Sean for inviting me to this, as there is some interest in my work from those on this board.
If you would like to contact me for commissioned artwork of any size or content, please do so either by private message or by email. You can email me at:
Once again, not to take anything away from Sean, but he is not receiving any compensation for promoting my work. Thank you again, and I hope to hear from you guys very soon.
<< <i>I'm getting nothing out of this other than helping a friend. >>
Spamming for your friend is still spamming. Don't take it hard though, I personally find the thread humorous.