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Paypal "goods" payment option

I'm interested in purchasing a lot of vintage cards outside of Ebay using Paypal to send my payment. The seller is looking to save the fees and I was looking for a slightly better price on the lot.

The total transaction works out to $500.00 shipped. The seller has an established track record on Ebay with over 300 feedbacks. Would I be safe sending a goods payment for the $500.00 amount? Would I have any recourse should the deal sour? Any advice would be appreciated



  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    As of November 1, 2010, ALL PayPal transactions -
    completed according to the following terms/conditions -
    are eligible for PP "Purchase Protection."

    13. PayPal Purchase Protection.

    13.1 Types of Problems Covered. PayPal Purchase Protection helps you if you encounter either of these problems:

    You did not receive the item you paid for with PayPal – “Item Not Received” (INR), or

    You received an item you paid for with PayPal but it is “Significantly Not as Described” (SNAD) (as described below)

    If your problem is a transaction that you did not authorize, please report the unauthorized transaction through the PayPal Security Centre.

    An item is “Significantly Not as Described” if it is materially different from what the Seller described in the item listing. Here are some examples:

    You received a completely different item. For example,you purchased a book and received a DVD or an empty box.
    The condition of the item was misrepresented. For example, the description when you bought the item said “new” and the item was used.
    The item was advertised as authentic but is not authentic.
    The item is missing major parts or features which were not disclosed in its descriptoin when you bought the item.
    You purchased three items from a Seller but only received two.
    The item was damaged during shipment.

    An item is not Significantly Not as Described if it is materially similar to the Seller’s item listing description. Here are some examples:

    The defect in the item was correctly described by the Seller.
    The item was properly described but you didn't want it after you received it.
    The item was properly described but did not meet your expectations.
    The item has minor scratches and was listed as used condition.

    13.2 Eligibility Requirements.

    To be eligible for PayPal Purchase Protection you must meet all of the following requirements:

    Pay for the eligible item from your PayPal Account.

    Pay for the full amount of the item with one payment. Items purchased with multiple payments – like a deposit followed by a final payment – are not eligible.

    Send the payment to the Seller through:

    the eBay “Pay Now” button or the eBay invoice; or

    the “Send Money” button of your PayPal account by selecting “eBay Item” and entering your eBay User ID and the eBay item number for purchases on eBay website; or

    the Send Money tab on the PayPal website, by clicking the “Purchase” tab, or by selecting the “Checkout with PayPal” button or otherwise selecting PayPal as part of a Seller’s checkout flow.

    Open a Dispute within 45 days of the date you sent the payment – then follow the online dispute resolution process described below under Dispute Resolution.

    Have an Account in good standing.

    For items purchased on eBay look for either a PayPal or eBay purchase or buyer protection message in the eBay listing. If you see a message, and you meet the eligibility requirements, then your purchase is covered by PayPal Purchase Protection. The purchase or buyer protection message will vary based on the eBay website. The message must appear on the top part of the listing and not under the “description” or “shipping and payments” tabs. If the listing does not include the purchase or buyer protection message, then it is not eligible for PayPal Purchase Protection.

    13.3 Ineligible Items.

    PayPal Purchase Protection only applies to PayPal payments for certain tangible, physical goods. Payments for the following are not eligible for reimbursement under PayPal Purchase Protection:

    Intangible items, including Digital Goods
    Real estate, including residential property
    Vehicles, including motor vehicles, motorcycles, caravans, aircraft and boats
    Custom made items
    Travel tickets, including airline flight tickets
    Items prohibited by the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy
    Items which you collect in person, or arrange to be collected on your behalf
    Items that violate eBay’s Prohibited or Restricted Items Policy
    Industrial machinery used in manufacturing
    Items equivalent to cash, including prepaid or gift cards
    PayPal Direct Payments
    Virtual Terminal Payments
    Personal Payments

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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