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We do we collect?

This may be a sort of a dumb question - but, why do we collect ball cards? Why do people collect anything? Is it some sort of gene that we were born with? There are many people that love sports, but could care less about collecting sports cards. My brother loves baseball and basketball (not quite like I do, but he does some) and he just wouldn't give a rats behind about collecting cards. I've about come to the conclusion that if baseball cards didn't exist, I would have to collect something. I don't know what it would be (maybe coins or guns), but I would have to collect something.

I know that's kind of a weird question, but I thought I would bring it up. Thoughts, guys?



  • I have always thought it a psychological issue. That we collect to help build self worth. Doing a generalization of course.
    Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "We do we collect?"


  • << <i>"We do we collect?"

    image >>

    Sounds like it should be a motto for Sage cards.
    Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    << <i>"We do, we collect?" >>


    "Yes, Yes We Do!"

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Yes we can!!
  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭
    When I'm financially strapped I collect two liter bottle caps...got up to 300 in two months! Love Pepsi Max! Then a couple weeks ago I heard from a teammate on my hockey team that their kids are in a competition with their class to see who could collect the most plastic bottle caps...I think they will win with my donation image

    I call it collecting -- my g/f calls it hoarding. Damn her for throwing out my toenail collection image

  • All humans need goals, many people here set collecting goals which can be easily attained, which gives us a sense of accomplishment. People who aren't interested in cards set the same kind of goals in whichever area interests them.
  • HallcoHallco Posts: 3,652 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You have to take a break from internet porn for at least a little while....might as well collect cards to pass that time! imageimage
  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    I am, therefore I do . . .
  • To me each card(vintage) is a piece of artwork. Some people love to go to art galleries... I love to look at vintage cards.
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    it was the Original competition.

    how many more cards can i collect than that kid down the street? or Hot Wheels? or snakes? or chicks? cars?

    i still want to have the biggest and the best collection, no offense guys, but it's been with me since i was 6. image
  • RookieWaxRookieWax Posts: 1,066 ✭✭✭
    After seeing Ernie's bottle cap collection on Sesame Street as a kid, I started collecting them as well. When a guy from our local post office spoke in our 5th grade class about stamp collecting, I became hooked on stamp collecting. Then, a few years later, after attending a local baseball card show, I switched to card collecting.....and haven't stopped since. So it has to be something in our genes.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I blame the nuns.

    Good for you.
  • jimradjimrad Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭
    I've been told I have dain bramage.
    Positive transactions with: Bkritz,Bosox1976,Brick,captainthreeputt,cpettimd,craigger,cwazzy,DES1984,Dboneesq,daddymc,Downtown1974,EAsports,EagleEyeKid,fattymacs,gameusedhoop,godblessUSA,goose3,KatsCards,mike22y2k,
  • arexarex Posts: 999
    I do believe that there is a psychological to good extent.
    I also believe that it allows us to relive or to live for the first time a moment in history that we have some type of draw to. I collect from the 50's to the early 1980s. Im 34 so I wasnt around in the 50s but my dad was. And he and I would talk about baseball and his favorite players, Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford, and the other greats of the day. The early 80s are my teams and my players that i began to connect with.
    So for me it is connecting with my dad either through his players or through my players.
    Then there is the whole collecting, organizing, sorting, wanting to complete the set that I believe drives many men
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Because if we don't, then we won't have any baseball cards.
  • NugenNugen Posts: 107 ✭✭
    Well....an academic actually wrote a book on the subject.

    Check out "A House of Cards" by JOhn Bloom. A great read, some parts of the book I agreed with others I didn't.

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Shane

    I wrote this a few years ago - it's kinda long - I've never found this to be a very popular topic - though this question has come up quite a few times over the years:


    It's a blend of acquisitiveness, intellectual curiosity, a desire to possess and organize tangible objects, the lure of immortality and a “certain amount of showing off.” Why some people stop their childhood collecting while others carry it into adulthood is not fully understood.

    Furthermore, some see collecting as a “philosophical project” that seeks to make “sense” of the militplicity and chaos in the world, and perhaps even to find in it a “hidden” meaning or sense of order.

    The danger arises when a collector loses complete touch with reality and allows the hobby to dictate all other aspects of one's life. Every dealer can name collectors who would spend the rent money to buy a coveted rarity – who neglects their health, their families and their social responsibilities to satisfy their compulsion. Much like drug addition, alchoholism or gambling, chronically compulsive collecting can be devastating. It's probably a manifestion fo some disguised emotional problem. This – of course – is contrasted by the “healthy collector” who sets goals, establishes a budgets and sticks to a plan.
    The key to a 'normal' collector and an obsessed one may be as simple as: “are you controlling the collecting process or is the process controlling you?” Some see a subtle character to collecting – the “act” is some kind of substitute for something that's lacking in one's person? Who knows?

    And last and most important to me – when does a collector truly graduate and be classified as a hobbyist? When the “Joy of Learning” overtakes the desire and excitement of acquiring and possessing.

    Categories of Collectors – many of us will fall into one or more of these divisions.

    1. Passionate collector – they find something they like, get emotionally attached to that type of item and having tangible proof of their attraction is personally satifying. These kind of collectors tend to be more emotional and obsessive - they get a lot of personal satisfaction whey they find a new item.

    2. Inquisitive collector – they collect for the purpose of investment – and will part with their items if the price is right. There's no emotional attachment, as such.

    3. Hobbyist collector – they collect purely for the enjoyment – they're not emtionally attached to their items but will not part with them either. These people are normally goal-oriented and enjoy searching for uncommon items they can display or receive praise for.

    4. Expressive collector – these people collect things as an expression of who they are – these collectors like attention.

    One can break down the Process of Collecting into steps:

    The decision of “what” to collect – this can be conscious or subconscious. They see something they like and buy it. Then, this may trigger a desire to collect more of the same item. In come cases, a person may get another of the item as a birthday present, e.g., and then, start collecting more – I think this is a 5th category of collector: the “accidental” collector.

    The “research” - in this case the new collector starts to gather all the information they can on their item. It can range from catalogues, books, publications, internet, ebay, etc. At this point, the new collector is beginning to take the process more seriously.

    The “planning” phase – during this phase, the collector begins to set his or her prices and zero in on certain objects. An emotional attachment to the desired item normally begins here. Possessing the wanted item becomes a very tangible and exciting thought. The serious collector often becomes heavily involved in the collection process during this phase, isolating him or herself from others. Driven by the need to succeed, the collector becomes adamant about obtaining the next and more difficult item. *This is the point where one should establish a BUDGET IMO.

    The “Hunt” - This is the part where the tension is at it's height! This is where the collector becomes competitive – will travel hundreds of miles for an item – also the time where obsession creeps in – they become “single-minded” - nothing else counts at this moment. I believe this is where one is so obsessed that even if there's controvery around them, they will “slip” back into thinking about their quest in the middle of being confronted with something job related e.g.

    The “Acquisition” phase – this is the point where the item is in the person's hand and they feel a special elation – the tension is released and they feel a special sense of accomplishment – they have a strong feeling of confidence and it's like they can do anything! Endorphins are flowing and the “goal” has been won!

    The “Display” phase – the item is home and now the collector is almost compelled to share this with the world – they may clean a special area for it – they will call friends, relatives, “anybody” who'll listen and share in their conquest! The collector can sleep easy now – in fact, they probably feel a special sense of satisfaction that they have this item and it's no longer available to someone else.

    The “Return” - this is what I would call the 'diseased' phase of collecting since it involves coming down from the 'high' - down from the mountaintop and needing another “fix.” After the display phase – one may stop collecting totally, or find another thing to collect or just search for more of the same type items.

    In conclusion, the motives for collecting are manifold. And, as we can see, some collect for investment, others for the sheer enjoyment, some collect for the socially interactive satisfaction of contacting other collectors, some do it to preserve the past – or connect with their childhood – and still others collect as a life-long quest that never ends. Further motivations may be psychological fulfillment – a feeling of finding order in the chaos of life – within and without. A need to be acknowledged may drive someone to collect and acquire special items that are noteworthy by others.

    Moreover, many may see their collection as a means of immortality? Ordering ones collection can give a sense of control that's lacking in the outside world.

    Of couse, any one collector may possess any multiple of these motives and be a mixture of collector types.

    For the sake of discussion – I've decided we're all normal here and won't get into compulsive hoarding and Freud!

    Finally - this is NOT a scholarly write-up - I took one course in psychology in college and that was almost 40 years ago! This was just an inquisitive attempt to put my finger on what we do and why. Some are my own ideas and most of it is plucked right out of internet articles and most is rewritten in my own words.

    Happy collecting!

  • markmacmarkmac Posts: 412 ✭✭✭
    I have been buying cards since I was 6 years old and that feeling of pulling a superstar is still vivid in my mind. 1980 topps football and baseball were my passion. I am tempted to buy a box of both of these every Christmas but never do. I think it is the feeling of being a kid again. I bought myself 2 1977 Star Wars wax boxes for Christmas last year and that feeling of being a 6 year old came back.
  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭
    Mike, I remember when you posted that the first time...man have my collecting goals shifted since then! Nice to read it a second time, thanks for sharing.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Awesome post, Mike. I am definitely a "Hobbyist". Although, I would part with mine if the price was right. But then I would turn right around and try to replace it all with (hopefully) some money left over.


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