UGGH!-Musial Cancels!

Just having the chance to post this, but got word on Wednesday when i got home from business trip that Stan Musial had pulled out of the Chicago Sun Times show due to health reasons. I was really looking forward to having the chance to meet Stan in person, as he represents such a huge a part of why i collect. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how i could make this happen. Expense is not a problem , just need help facilitating a meeting with my idol. If anyone here could be any help, let me know.
Sorry to hear. Hope Stan get better soon. I know how much you've been looking forward to the opportunity.
Thank God, Ball players don't pass away by the 3's like movie stars. Don't think i could take it this week.
Always looking for Mantle cards such as Stahl Meyer, 1954 Dan Dee, 1959 Bazooka, 1960 Post, 1952 Star Cal Decal, 1952 Tip Top Bread Labels, 1953-54 Briggs Meat, and other Topps, Bowman, and oddball Mantles.
<< <i>Since this is obviously a health issue, I would simply respect his privacy & hope that his health improvs to the point where perhaps he will be making another public appearance sometime in the future.
IMF >>
I agree. If he had to cancel an appearance, he is probably not up to meeting anyone or taking visitors. Generally speaking, I don't think most people who are really sick want to meet new people. I would just let it be and respect his privacy.
">Always looking to complete/update my 1948-Present PSA MLB ROY Set
As far as the Rule of Three's goes
I am hearing Bob Feller has also canceled his last appearance
<< <i>Bob has lukemia however I was unaware Stan was sick.Real sorry to here that.Met Stan and got his Autographed Ball at the ST Louis National I believe it was 1995 or 96.Nice man as well as a Great Player that never seems to recieve his true respect as many of the other players of the Golden Era do.Mantle,Mays,Williams,Di Maggio.He should be right in the same scale as them for all he accomplished. >>
Agreed! How does he not get more recognition. One of the greatest hitters ever!
<< <i>If Musial would have played in NY like Mantle, he would be looked at as one of the greatest players to ever take the field. >>
Trust me Matt, anyone who knows anything about baseball considers Musial as one of the greatest ever. And I would take him over Mantle any day.