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Custom Binders and Slip Cases


I work for a bindery in Vancouver, BC and am trying to determine what kind of interest there might be out there for better quality binders and slip cases. I have a collection of hockey cards and when ever we do a binder and slip case job I always bring the overs home to use for my collection. Unlike the vinyl binders that are typically sold these binders are made from a linen bookbindering material. They are far more durable and nicer looking that any of the vinyl binders out there. These would cost a little more, but will last a lot longer and put up with more use and abuse.

We can also foil stamp the binders either with just about anything. If you have a store you could get all of the cases and binders foil stamped with your logo and name on them or we could stamp them with the type of card or sport. We can make binders and albums for a wide range of different collectables including stamps and coins. I thought I would start with cards as that is what I collect.

If you have any questions let me know. I will see if I can post some images of the binders and slip cases I have.


  • SidePocketSidePocket Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭
    I'd like to see the images, and also an estimate of the cost.

    "Molon Labe"

  • I will take some images and get them up in the next day or so. As for pricing I am working on something at the moment. If order to make it some what reasonable we will need to make about 100-250 at a time. We don't mind doing this providing there is a market and we can see them We can sell them as a set or we can sell the binders separately.

    When it comes to the stamping that will all depend on what you want stamped and how many units are getting stamped. If we discover that say for instance there is a market for binders with Baseball, Hockey or Basketball stamped on the spine we can stamp 50-100 binders at a time. If for instance you want something personalized we can do that but you will need to pay $120 for the die and about $50 minimum charge on the stamping. So if you are just stamping say 5 binders with your own custom stamp it will cost $170 for the die and stamping. Now if we are stamping a bunch with the same thing then the stamping costs are about $1-1.50 per binder. This would mean if we had baseball binders in stock the stamping component would only be $1-1.50 per binder.

    Once I have some basic pricing figured out I will post it up here. Aside from figuring out what the market may be the other questions is how a typical order might be? Are we generally looking at just single binders or would people be interested in buying say 5 at a time. We may be able to offer better pricing based on volume, so at 10 binders we may be able to offer a break.
  • Nascar360Nascar360 Posts: 1,853 ✭✭✭
    Me too!
  • I have attached a file to this post. Not sure if it worked. I don't have an image online yet so I can't provide a Url.

    Hopefully this works.
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
    i'll take 350

  • << <i>The picture is very small. >>

    yeah...the only way that I could attach a image was if it was less than 50kb....seemed a little silly....not sure how I can get a larger image of it posted.
  • schr1stschr1st Posts: 1,677 ✭✭
    If you have an image of it hosted / uploaded somewhere else online, you can link to that image from the "picture" button in the toolbar when posting (the icon after the underline button). Or just post the URL to the image, and we can correct it for you.
    Who is Rober Maris?
  • at the moment we don't have a picture of this exact style of slip case and binder on our website. We have other products on our site. I will try something out tomorrow and see if I can make this work. I will see if I can't get a few different images up.
  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    MJ Roop tried selling custom high end binders and couldn't stay in business.
    This is the exact same product made by Archival Methods. If you can create a better product for less I think you'd have a winner.

    they go for about $40 each in bulk, but no printing.

    Archival Methods Binders

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • ddfamfddfamf Posts: 507 ✭✭
    The Roop cases were beautiful, and tough! Damned shame they couldn't stay in business - but $50 a pop for a 3-ring binder didn't sit well with most of the raw card collectors.

    The slip-cover on the outside was the key to standing the thing up vertically and not having damage to the cards - it worked extremely well!

    I agree that if there is a similar product at a cheaper price point that still nets a small profit, you'll have a nice market - there's alot more raw out there than what people think.

  • << <i>i'll take 350 >>

    Not sure if you are serious, but if you are send me an email and I will get you a quote. There are a couple of different materials we can use for the binder and slip case that can effect the price.

    email me
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>i'll take 350 >>

    Not sure if you are serious, but if you are send me an email and I will get you a quote. There are a couple of different materials we can use for the binder and slip case that can effect the price.

    email me >>

    No, I'm not serious. You need to get some pics posted before anyone takes this seriously, it's an interesting prospect though.
  • So I still need to get images online so that I can link larger images. I should have this taken care of soon. In the mean time I have got some pricing. The only way to try and keep the pricing down is if we build 100 at a time. If we build 100 binders and slip cases and keep them in stock the best price we can offer is $30CAN per set. There are cheaper materials that we can use to build the slip case and binders but as the real purpose is offering a product that will stand the test of time it seems counter productive to use a cheaper material. One option we could look at is producing the slip case in a cheaper material as the slip case won't get the same kind of wear as the binder. The linen bookbinding cloth we are proposing is one of the strongest materials out there for this type of work so it will outlast and preform all other types of binders.

    $30CAN is a manufacturing price. This would be the price that we would sell to retailers at. Vinyl binders and slip cases are going to be a lot cheaper, or at least should be a lot cheaper but there is a reason why. To be honest $50 for this type of binder and slip case is a very fair price. If we were selling these to designers that is what we would be selling them for. If people think that $30 is too high then I probably don't need to worry about posting pics, but if people would be willing to pay that much then I will keep working at getting images online.
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
    What's widest width available? Many people use these...


    ...so the wider the better.
  • The largest ring that we can do is a 3", but this will increase the cost as you are using more material and the rings are almost double the cost of the 1.5". There are a bunch of different ring style options we can offer too. There is the standard triggered ring, a triggerless ring and a locking ring. The triggerless is what I think would be the best as these rings don't have the triggers or tabs to get in the way of the pages. I store my cards two ways, I keep my valuable cards in thicker plastic sleeves and then the rest of my cards I have just the standard UltraPro 9 card pages. In a 1.5"D binder I can fit between 60-70 pages with cards.

    The 3" binders would probably be closer to $40CAN per but I would need to double check the cost on those. We are a full service bookbindery so we can make custom binders to any shape and size, but as I mentioned we need to make 100 at a time in order to offer these prices. We can't really afford to build 100ea of 1.5"/2"/3", so we are looking for a size that is the most common and would garner the most interest. If we can get steady interest we can then expand the service to offer other sizes.
  • Mdube16Mdube16 Posts: 744 ✭✭
    Email me the full size pic and Ill put it up here for you

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