1959 World Series Autographed Ball

I am not a collector of Baseball items but I have a 1959 White Sox team world Series baseball I have had since 1959 and is in great shape. Can anyone tell me how I can get sell prices on this or what it might be worth. I am selling to purge items before moving. Thanks for any assistance
How many sigs? Can you ID them all?
What team, or both teams?
What kind of ball?
Do you have all or most of the Key players ie. Fox, Lopez, Alston, Gilliam, Hodges, Koufax, Drysdale, Doby, Aparicio, Wynn, Zimmer, Snider, Wills, Kluszewski, Cash, etc. etc.?
Do you have pics of this ball?
To the OP, Please post clear pics so we can give you a better idea as to its worth