My Store Rewards Program?

Just won an auction and after paying got an email asking if I want to join the My Store Rewards Program. Will get 2% of my purchase refunded and 2% off on any other transactions in the future with this seller.
Question is is this legitimate?
Edited for spelling. Hard to type with one hand and have a squirming infant in the other.
Question is is this legitimate?
Edited for spelling. Hard to type with one hand and have a squirming infant in the other.

Miscut Museum
My Mess
Not the Topps Vault. Was from a seller that I purchased a lot of new HD-DVD's (dead format but the movies are cheap).
I guess getting back 2% would be good as saving anything is a help but I don't see me purchasing anything in the future.
Sellers Items
Miscut Museum
My Mess