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Anybody buy from Olympus Gold & Rare Coins in Salt Lake City, Utah??

I bought from Olympus Gold & Rare Coins because their prices were very good. $260 for a gold Rooster, but now Im starting to wonder if Im even going to receive my order. No communication on shipping and it has been 3 days since my order. Hell not even to confirm they received my payment. Asked the owner today for tracking info and he seemed to stumble upon an answer.

Anybody with experience from them, perhaps Im worrying a bit much because of the lack of communication


  • tightbudgettightbudget Posts: 7,299 ✭✭✭
    I wouldn't worry about it until maybe about another week.

  • << <i>I wouldn't worry about it until maybe about another week. >>

    I know but the lack of confirmation that they received the payment or even a short email acknowledging the order has me worried. I tried sending an email where the Paypal payment went to and it was undeliverable, so was another email they had posted on their sites. I see some red flags thats all.

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