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Update: Compensation for my Post Office "Lost" Sub Results

Previously, I posted regarding the results of my first submission, which the Post Office "lost" as the cards were returned to me. Here is the link: Initial Post

I promised on that thread that I would follow up regarding my compensation by PSA. I have now resolved my claim, and I am fully satisfied (though I'd still rather have the cards). PSA handled my case great and very efficiently, and I was fairly compensated for the replacement value of the cards as graded.

That said, this is a good lesson not to lowball on the declared value when submitting cards. I didn't lowball it when estimating, and some of the grades for my submission did not come in as I had hoped. So my aggregate declared value was higher than the actual total replacement value. I am not certain how PSA would handle it if, for example, you submitted a batch of cards and estimated values for them as PSA 6s, and then they all came in as PSA 8s and 9s. If that were to happen to me, I would call PSA as soon as I saw the submission pop.

Again, if anyone sees the certs from my submission pop up, please let me know. Thanks!


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