Another MUGGYMAN 1 of 1 video with FREE PACK GIVEAWAY

The first person to post a picture of a pack (ON THIS COLLECTORS UNIVERSE THREAD) as specified at the end of my latest you tube video wins a FREE 1985 Topps cello pack w/ Walter Payton ON TOP... Good luck!
Muggyman 1 of 1 Top 10 FREE PACK GIVEAWAY
Muggyman 1 of 1 Top 10 FREE PACK GIVEAWAY
Love the videos, keep putting them out! I've shown this in your other thread, but I thought it would be worth an entry on this contest. Thanks for the chance!
Nothing earth shattering but I like them.
Miscut Museum
My Mess
Current obsession, all things Topps 1969 - 1972
I'm sure there will be more that would have made it in my top 10, but you were first to post a GREAT 1 of 1 PACK!
PM me your address, Payton in the mail to ya - congratulations and thank you for contributing!
Keep em comin...
Thanks again for the chance Muggy!