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LAdude465 is very immature

LAdude, I beleive I can make my own decisions without your help. Just because you want the Jason Richardson that doesn't mean you are going to get it. Grow up a little bit kid. I am a long time trader on many message boards, and beleive me, I know what to do if in fact I do get ripped off, so don't be messaging me because I don't want to trade you. That is pathetic and very immature. That is all I have to say, and if you have anything more to say to me, please bring it to private messages. Thank you.


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    UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    <<and if you have anything more to say to me, please bring it to private messages. Thank you.>>

    you can always do the same..

    and let me remind you that posts like this are immature..

    that's all I have to say
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    Undertaker, you are right about this post being immature. But I'm just asking for people to not treat me like a 2 year old. I know how this whole process works, and I have been through it many times. Again I know this post was an immature act on my part and I apologize and hope LAdude reads this. Thank you.
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    UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    hey.. no problem, and it's not like I'm sticking up for him cauz he's a friend, cauz I don't even know him, but he didn't even rip you, he just wants a card.. and some of us have a different approach then others.. that's life I guess image
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    what did he do that was so wrong? all he did was refuse to trade you a Kobe GU and a Francis auto for your Jason Richardson GU...........

    anyone would refuse to trade those two for your Richardson......... Don't get me wrong, I personally agree that LAdude is an annoying kid...... but you are proving to be no different by posting this annoying BS.........

    i have been reading the messages on this board for a few weeks, and haven't even made a trade here because most messages posted here are immature (just like yours)........... you should fit in well......

    anyone know any other good forums?
    looking for any and all Kobe, Iverson and Nowitzki..........
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    LMAO!!! hey guys, the reason Newyork indians thinks im annyoing i because i wanred him about leon! NewYorkIndians you owe me an apology right now!!!!! ask mcdee about leon if you dont believe me!!! Nice job of handling the sitaution buddy
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    Nice spelling there LAdude and from what I remember, I did apologize already. Look up^ in case you missed it. Well these boards were nice until now. I think I'll just go back to beckett and continue trading there. Thanks for all the offers and if I have made a trade with you I am going to have to cancel it. I am sorry for wasting your time. Bye.
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    Im just curious but why did you get mad at me in the first place???? was it cause i warned you about leon or cause i rejected your trade? cause if it were cause of any of those reasons i dont see what your problem is.
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    LAdude grow up
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    your a wierdo! i didnt even do anything to you except deny your trade offer, then you say im immatture for god knows what. Then you wont tell me why you think im immature.
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