Boxbreakers Rips - Scan Heavy (Ok...BIG scan heavy)

Hello all. I have been on and off this site for years but because I am one of the "wierd" ones whose love of cards is equally split between vintage and modern, I spend alot of my time on another forum site. That being said I figure there's bound to be a few of you "closet modern" collectors out there so I figured I'd offer up some highlights of our recent group breaks. We've had a Multi-Sport group for the past year or so but I recently dropped that group to focus exclusively on FB. We open alot of the higher end stuff such as Exquisite and National Treasures but also do a range of other hobby boxes as well. I'll start off with a few of the Multi-Sport break highlights to get you up to speed but I'll try to add some highlights of breaks as we run them just in case anyone cares to see some of what's being pulled from newer products (usually 2006-2010). Below is a link to our website where we organize the breaks so if you have a spare moment take a look as the breaks are listed on seperate pages with links to all the videos and a few pics as well.
Boxbreakers Website
I'll start with a few of my favorite Basketball pulls;

More coming...
Boxbreakers Website
I'll start with a few of my favorite Basketball pulls;

More coming...
Here are a few Hockey highlights;
I can't even tell what some of that stuff is.
Only an idiot would have a message board signature.
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed!!
- I would encourage all collectors to post a video of their collection - I have found it to be a very rewarding way to share my sports cards!!
In the meantime...any FB collectors out there that have a particula player they want to see? I just spent 3 days labeling all my pics so I can sort through easily and I need to put it to the test. Do me a favor though and pick a guy I may have heard of!