Washington quarter ... help with grade??

While looking through some old pics of some of my coins, I realized I really have never learned how to properly grade Washington quarters. Having put together a nearly complete set over the years, I never really was concerned too much with the actual grade, just went by looks and what it was worth to me at the time. I realize by doing this I have probably overpaid, but it's been spread out over 15 years or so and I never paid much for any of them anyway, so I don't really care.
However, I would be interested in some opinions as to what grade you would give this one. For you experts out there, is this a different than normal variation (i.e. type 2 reverse, or whatever the proper nomenclature is...)? I obviously don't know much more than I can get from a Redbook on these.
Thanks in advance!

However, I would be interested in some opinions as to what grade you would give this one. For you experts out there, is this a different than normal variation (i.e. type 2 reverse, or whatever the proper nomenclature is...)? I obviously don't know much more than I can get from a Redbook on these.
Thanks in advance!

...fixed link
<< <i>Enough overall chatter and also scratches in the field under the L in the word Liberty to keep it MS63. >>
I agree, 63.
I think maybe the photos were a tad on the big side to make any fair calls.
Smaller sometimes makes them look more natural. Some of those blemishes aren't visible with the naked eye. Especially my old eyes!
How about a better picture ...
That's gotta be worth a couple of points right there, right?
Just kidding.
Thanks guys.
<< <i>Ok, no real surprises here. Looks like everyone pretty much agrees. A couple of 64s maybe, but a solid 63.
I think maybe the photos were a tad on the big side to make any fair calls.
Smaller sometimes makes them look more natural. Some of those blemishes aren't visible with the naked eye. Especially my old eyes!
How about a better picture ...
That's gotta be worth a couple of points right there, right?
Just kidding.
Thanks guys.
Now im changing from 64 to 70
come nice and the strike isn't great. It looks like a solid MS-64 to my
eyes and 65 isn't too far off.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson