1950s Rawlings Advisory Staff Mickey Mantle - shrink wrap update

1950s Rawlings Advisory Staff Mickey Mantle
Rawlings promotional photos started in the early 50s - were popular in the 60s and pretty much disappeared in the 70s.
The participating players agree to use and endorse the Rawlings product.
The photos are pretty much 8X10" - black and white - later - some - colored.
The photos were sent to sporting good stores for display - some went out to customers.
There are five variations to the photo - the most of any player.

I figured how to use my wife's camera better - I was doing something dumb!
I took my Hartland Ted Williams box and sealed it:
Box - before: these photos were taken before I realized ya gotta give the camera a chance to focus - the first is an auction photo:


68F Iron-ons:

Rawlings promotional photos started in the early 50s - were popular in the 60s and pretty much disappeared in the 70s.
The participating players agree to use and endorse the Rawlings product.
The photos are pretty much 8X10" - black and white - later - some - colored.
The photos were sent to sporting good stores for display - some went out to customers.
There are five variations to the photo - the most of any player.

I figured how to use my wife's camera better - I was doing something dumb!
I took my Hartland Ted Williams box and sealed it:
Box - before: these photos were taken before I realized ya gotta give the camera a chance to focus - the first is an auction photo:


68F Iron-ons:

Dang you been on a roll lately.