Today's Golden Jackass . . .
Posts: 2,770 ✭✭✭
I usually don't read alot of these type articles on a regular basis but this was linked in another forum . . . Compelling read!
You Go Jim Willie ! ! !
You Go Jim Willie ! ! !
Need the following OBW rolls to complete my 46-64 Roosevelt roll set:
1947-P & D; 1948-D; 1949-P & S; 1950-D & S; and 1952-S.
Any help locating any of these OBW rolls would be gratefully appreciated!
1947-P & D; 1948-D; 1949-P & S; 1950-D & S; and 1952-S.
Any help locating any of these OBW rolls would be gratefully appreciated!
I would think that if you stood in a crowd of 100 people, that 2 of them would hold physical PM's.
I would also think that 50+ of them owned stocks/bonds.
Gold & silver are not even close to being in a bubble.
By the way, a deep contact informs that Bank of America suffered a death experience on the weekend of July 24th, the same weekend that the London Bullion Market Assn went dark on reported data. Around the same time the Bank For Intl Settlements was fumbling around with phony stories regarding their 340 ton Gold Swap contract. The truth is... the BIS bailed out the London metal exchange, on the edge of default, which has suffered repeated gold raids. They have been forced to defend against a sequence of coordinated raids, all legal, demanding vast gold bullion and obtaining it. The BIS bailed out not commercial banks, not the Portuguese central bank, but the London metal exchange. The LBMA is struggling to avoid completely empty inventory.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled program.
<< <i>"Jim Willie CB" is his nom de plume. This is the guy who started the Tungsten rumor. >>
His sources prove to be quite reliable as time passes. I suggest you keep an eye on BOA. I do believe a refinery in Germany showed a tungsten filled gold bar as evidence.
The government is incapable of ever managing the economy. That is why communism collapsed. It is now socialism’s turn - Martin Armstrong
But then you may think he's a genius.
<< <i>
<< <i>"Jim Willie CB" is his nom de plume. This is the guy who started the Tungsten rumor. >>
His sources prove to be quite reliable as time passes. I suggest you keep an eye on BOA. I do believe a refinery in Germany showed a tungsten filled gold bar as evidence. >>
i'd like to see some evidence rather than the usual link to a "lead and gold or bust" website or another comment about this (not an attack against you). i am a sceptic...on the side that they DO exist more than just a few here and there. i do like reading Jim Willie more entertaining than Butler, but i wish those who make claims back them up with footnotes of their sources.
<< <i>but i wish those who make claims back them up with footnotes of their sources. >>
When possible... that is a reasonable request for journalist, and the like... also if its part of the public domain they should say so...
<< <i>
<< <i>but i wish those who make claims back them up with footnotes of their sources. >>
When possible... that is a reasonable request for journalist, and the like... also if its part of the public domain they should say so... >>
If you want journalism, read the New York Times. If you want educated opinion based on 25 years of experience from a statistical analyst with a PhD in statistics read Jim Willie.
The government is incapable of ever managing the economy. That is why communism collapsed. It is now socialism’s turn - Martin Armstrong
I think you must be very very worried, but can't quite admit it!
I'm not a gloom-and-doomer. I dismissed these types in 1975, 1980, 1995 and 2010. However, after 9/11 I was thinking different - I thought the worst would happen then. I call it critical thinking.
He is as long as he keeps getting these intermediate and long term financial calls right. We'll be the first to toast him up when he becomes consistently wrong. Until then.....
And I do get tired of JW's diatribes week after week w/o not much new. But he comes up with some things with each article.
So who has a better track record from 2004, Jim Wille or EagleEye? Did EE warn all of us on the impending housing or derivatives crashes? I rest my case.
And I don't think JW started the Tungsten bar rumor. Rob Kirby was probably well ahead of him and I doubt even Rob started it.
It is highly irresponsible for the politicians to put the US in a no-win position with respect to our national credit and national debt, but they continue with the same pathology - day in, day out.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>the line about BOA interests me the ------- "death experience"? >>
these guys got A's in their Advanced Placement creative writing couses in high school.
Does that mean your opinions are as good as facts (ie count more than ours?). Kitco also gives John Nadler a lot of space as well. Is JN just another conspiracy guy to help keep the price of gold down?
I could prove you wrong but what would it get me, an hour less sleep tonight? You'll just continue to post the same opinions about Willie and anyone else you don't happen to agree with. You're probably right about JW being from Costa Rica, but that's about where facts depart from opinions. JW does often link facts, charts, and tables in his missives it's not all fire, brimstone, and tombstone. It's not everyone's job around here to take time out to prove your opinions wrong with research. I seem to recall some other people around here with that same attitude but we no longer see them anymore as they've been proven wrong over time by world events. So why not post factual statements backed up by evidence to start with? That would go a long ways to me in establishing credibility and a research-like work ethic. Maybe JW would even give those to you if you asked him nicely.
Fwiw I've written a number of those online analysts from time to time to either correct them, challenge them, or thank them. It's all a learning experience. I recall one time where Cohodk challenged me on the annual Gold Compound data coming out of the US Geological Survey Dept. that Rob Kirby put out there as proof that the USTreasury had sold 5,000 tons of gold in the past 10 yrs. and accounted for it in the exported gold compounds category of the USGS reports. I contacted the USGS about this and got them to send me their official data all broken down. I waded through the past 7 yrs of data and determined that the data did not support RK's analysis. There was no 5,000 tons of real gold, only very diluted compounds. I proved Cohodk right, and me wrong.
Let's face it, the doom and gloomers like Willie, have been FAR more accurate since 2004 than the "don't worry, be happy" types. Give credit where it's due.
Everything else is fact.
Why think? Its over rated. What did they do to Socrates? I mean really, why bother with all that hard stuff: collecting facts, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, publishing the results; and having other peers test and validate your results?
What has that really gotten the world?
1. IMO division of Gould Pumps
2. Imperial Oil
3. IMO web messenger
4. International Meteor Organization
5. International Maritime Organization
Those are facts....everything else in your thread is op ed.
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Global Gold & Silver Markets Set To Explode?
The government is incapable of ever managing the economy. That is why communism collapsed. It is now socialism’s turn - Martin Armstrong
<< <i>I think some one needs to teach Eagle Eye about how facts are these pesky things that we don't allow to get in the way. How many people actually read opinion pieces and can identify logic... >>
Okeydokey, Wookie, I agree and your request is granted:
<< <i>"Jim Willie CB" is his nom de plume. This is the guy who started the Tungsten rumor. >>
Logic 101: Ad hominem fallacy
Never deals with any specific assertions in the article: Greenspan the chief bubble-blower?, US War Machine evolves/devolves to privatization?, USTreasuries are the current [volatile] bubble?, etc. EE goes after THE MAN.
Example: Former President Clinton lied. Often. But to dismiss any future argument of his without assessing its actual merit/content based on his past record, is to engage in the ubiquitous political strategem: ad hominem.
You might even say it's a non sequitur, or a red herring and get partial credit.
I rest my case.
Oh, I also insinuated he does it only to sell expensive newsletters.
<< <i>All I said was "IMO, and we are all entitled to them, the guy is a conspiracy theorist who throws garbage at the wall from his compound in Costa Rica to see what sticks. It's a shame Kitco gives him space. "
I rest my case.
Oh, I also insinuated he does it only to sell expensive newsletters. >>
Well, it is now clear to all that you have not addressed the FACT of your fallacious statement, nor engaged the OP article’s argument with FACTS of any kind. Rather, you have ‘rested your case’ by merely linking to an interview with Jim Willie and bailed out in the parachute of ‘I’m entitled to my OPINION.’
“All I said was…”. No, it was not ALL you said: you left out your first statement, which I quoted in the post above, so that is not true. Which begs the question:
What happened to the ‘fact czar’ or whatever you narcissistically appointed yourself in the ‘Sift thread’ or the thread on auditing Fort Knox? ‘Fact referee’-- that’s right, where you interrupted and derailed a spirited, pointed yet respectful exchange between posters of differing viewpoints, from which I was personally benefiting. You were trolling up that thread, nit-picking with a tangential ‘fact’ correction that had no direct relationship to RR, jmski and Capn’s debate on the logistics of an audit.
That’s a large reason I come to this forum: iron- sharpening- iron. Also, for me it is like panning for gold; sometimes you strike out on picking up something, but also there are times when you glean nuggets of great value, small or large, that educate and challenge you to think. If it’s ‘way out there’, you just hit the back button and leave it be.
But we don’t need a self-appointed fact czar to tell us what an op ed is. We are grown up enough to do our own deciding on what is opinion and what is fact and DOODD. I don’t need an Epistemology lecture from someone who then parachutes from fact to opinion when convenient.
I would suggest to those who want your 'take' on a thread to PM you about it. Leave Mr. Hyde or whatever you want to call your alter-ego that started showing up on this forum home/off the thread unless you have something truly factual that is pertinent and not sound like a know-it-all.
This is my last post on this thread addressing you. I probably have broken rule #1: Don’t feed the trolls, but so be it. You can have the last word. It would be refreshing if you did what you said here:
<< <i>I never said I had any answers. In fact I don't mind it if I am found wrong on any post I make. But, as in anything, prove me wrong with facts, not opinion. >>
I watched about half of that first interview and all I saw was factual events being mentioned from which JW drew some conclusions. That sure beats offering zero facts and linking an interview that only derails your own non-conspiracy theories. Frankly, our political and financial scenes are littered with conspiracies since this nation was created. Why would you think there would be less of them today given how our govt has grown by leaps and bounds and become less efficient than ever? All you have to do is look what happened over the past 2 yrs to our major banks, lending institutions, hedge funds, rating agencies, etc. Fraud everywhere and no one enforcing the rules, regulations, and US constitution that already exist. Please offer us some facts as to why no conspiracies could exist. Why are there secretive groups like the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, etc. if they are only looking out for the world's welfare? Why isn't J6P invited to intend? Why do you need elitist groups meeting behind closed doors if it's all for the betterment of the world? Seems to me you are at the other end of the spectrum as a non-conspiracy theorist who sees a govt "spokesperson" wipe mud off the walls before it can dry and agrees that it didn't stick.