Kinda Bummed!

Just finished up checking out the Mounted Memories website, to see when Stan Musial would be signing on Sunday November 21st, and to more importantly see what the photo-op fee was going to be. I am bummed to find that Stan won't be doing photo-ops. 
Does anyone know if the people handling Stan Musial will allow a picture while he is signing your item at a show. I would really like to have a photo of me and Stan, even if its one of me shaking his hand.

Does anyone know if the people handling Stan Musial will allow a picture while he is signing your item at a show. I would really like to have a photo of me and Stan, even if its one of me shaking his hand.
Unfortunately, it's highly unlikely that will happen... with that said, if the line isn't busy... it never hurts to ask. However, for several years now, when he has signed (which hasn't been often, at least, with public signings), they won't allow any posed photographs and in most cases even have signage up requesting no flash photography. I guess the flash startels the elderly. I remember doing a back-room bulk signing with Stan years ago (probably 2004) and I took one flash photograph and people freaked! It was my first time ever doing a signing with Stan... I had no idea.