Card populations

I'm curious how many complete sets of various sets of cards were printed. Fabricate example:
T206 - 10,000 sets (of course minus a few cards)
1933 Goudey - 100,000 sets
1952 Topps - 250,000 sets
1990 Topps - 10,000,000 sets
Any estimates? Any good websites or resources that have this information? I don't really have a concept of order of magnitude...
T206 - 10,000 sets (of course minus a few cards)
1933 Goudey - 100,000 sets
1952 Topps - 250,000 sets
1990 Topps - 10,000,000 sets
Any estimates? Any good websites or resources that have this information? I don't really have a concept of order of magnitude...
The many T206 series werent printed all at once, they were in series with many different brands on back and issued over 3 years. And then you have the Southern Leaguers which make up a good chunk of the "set" that are not found with all backs and are far scarcer overall. Some even consider the SL's a different set.
Its estimated there are over 1 million T206 cards surviving today, and that only a couple % of all the T206 cards ever printed survive today, that would be well over 100 Million printed.
Another example... E145-1 (1914 Cracker Jack) says right on back of each card that they printed 10 Million cards. if you divide that by the 144 cards in the set, then you have 69,000 sets made.
But I dont believe that 10,000,000 were printed...... E145-1 cards are not that common overall especially compared to the extremely common T206 cards before them and the R319's after. Plus there are many more E145-2 cards than E145-1 cards, so how many of them were printed??? E145-2 cards were available through a mail in offer for complete sets making them far more common today.
Topps cards are another story, they survive in much higher % compared to PreWar cards, one reason was they werent destroyed in the paper drives of WWII like many cards before the War.
Cards Produced - 100,000,000
Estimated Remaining - 1,000,000
Cards in set - 514
Maximum sets - 195,000
Estimated sets - 1,950
E145-1 (1914 Cracker Jack)
Cards Produced - 10,000,000
Estimated Remaining - 1,000,000
Cards in Set - 144
Maximum Sets - 69,500
Estimated Sets - 6,950
Anyone expert in any other sets that can provide estimations and published printing runs?