PayPal Claim Advice Sought

I recently won something off eBay for approx. $200 which I'm not satisfied with. I spoke with the seller last evening and he told me to ship it back to him and he will refund my money as soon as it is received...My question is should I iniate a PayPal claim now or should I just wait to see if he refunds my money without initiating one? I will send with DC and get a tracking number...
I'm not sure if it is "counted against" a seller if someone files a claim with them.
Thanks for the help!
I'm not sure if it is "counted against" a seller if someone files a claim with them.
Thanks for the help!
Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
When you sat recently you mean like in the past week?
If so I see no reason to file a claim......yet.
Ship it back with DC and if the seller starts any nonsense you can always file then.
Just don't let him string you along, make sure you stay within the 45 day time period.
<< <i>
I'm not sure if it is "counted against" a seller if someone files a claim with them.
IMF >>
As per eBay's new brainstorm it does count against the seller just opening a claim.
Thanks again,
For "off EBAY" purchases, the buyer is only protected
for INR.
For purchases "on EBAY," you can simply send the item
back; if the seller does not refund promptly you can file
a dispute/claim. As noted above, use Delivery Confirmation
on your return package. (Over $249.99, Sig-Con required.)
Disputes and claims now count against the seller. They
can cause the FVF-discounts to vanish, harm search
returns, and lead to suspensions.
<< <i>Thanks for your help guys.....One last wrinkle....The address he wants me to return it to is a NC address, but his "eBay" address is a Florida one (it was mailed from the NC address; he claims he is in the process of moving); in other words if I return it to the NC addy as he is requesting could that possibly void any recovery with PayPal if he never refunds my money?
Thanks again,
IMF >>
It could void your refund.
Might not, but could.
I would not do it. Just tell the guy to change his PP/EBAY
addy to the addy he wants you to ship to.
PP/EBAY claims on returned items require that the item
be returned to the seller AT HIS REGISTERED ADDY.
<< <i>How would I know when he has done this (changed his registered address that is)? >>
Without filing a dispute and looking at the new addy
registered at PP, I don't know of a CERTAIN way to
confirm it.
I would not take the word of an EBAY stranger that
he had changed the addy.
<< <i>
<< <i>How would I know when he has done this (changed his registered address that is)? >>
Without filing a dispute and looking at the new addy
registered at PP, I don't know of a CERTAIN way to
confirm it.
I would not take the word of an EBAY stranger that
he had changed the addy. >>
He could always show ebay the email if the seller sent him a false address to send it back to.
Would that show his new address?
That may P him off though.
Hi Bill,
Definitely send to my address in North Carolina. You have it here in writing to send to:
32 xxxlot Drive
xxxxx, NC
(I obviously put x's in to protect his privacy)
I think your only recourse is if he does not want to change his addy is to file and send it to
the Florida address?
How about this? tell him you will gladly ship it anywhere he wishes as long as he refunds you first.
This is why I hardly use ebay.
I stick to under 20.00 items. Postcards and stuff like that.
Unless of course I'm dealing with a know source.