Would y'all get Cliff Lee on this or not? (Update: Got it done, pic of Cliff and I enclosed)
I've been working on this 2010 Rangers mini helmet for a little over a month and a half, and since it's a "mini", it doesn't have room to hold a complete team set of signatures. Therefore, I'm trying to get autographs of the Rangers that have made significant contributions to this years team. So far, I've got Vlad Guerrero, Elvis Andrus, Neftali Feliz, Nelson Cruz and Ian Kinsler. All of those guys are primary reasons why we are in first place right now. Cliff Lee is signing locally tomorrow, and I've got a chance to get him. However, I'm on the fence about whether or not to add him. He really hasn't added anything substantial yet to the Rangers, other than perhaps a "belief" that a lot have that we now have a "legitimate" pitcher. However, if memory is correct, we've only won 3 games that he has pitched in so far. I realize it's my helmet, so to do whatever makes me happy in getting it signed, but just looking for some of y'alls opinions on the matter. If it was yours, would you get him to sign it? I still have a belief that he's going to start picking up W's and be a great asset to us in the playoffs, but if he doesn't, then I don't know if I want him on my helmet or not. Your thoughts??
Vlad Guerrero

Elvis Andrus

Neftali Feliz

Nelson Cruz

Ian Kinsler

Vlad Guerrero

Elvis Andrus

Neftali Feliz

Nelson Cruz

Ian Kinsler

Buying US Presidential autographs
Actually I guess it depends on how many others you feel deserve to sign and how much space would be left after that.
If it were mine I would probably add him.
Really though I would get Lee's sig on it.
I'd like to have him on a ROMLB myself.
nice hat!
great Chuck Norris reference too! lol
EDIT to add: To answer the question, Cliffmas hasn't done a whole lot this season for the Rangers other than eat some innings. He has killed me in fantasy baseball the last 2 or 3 weeks.
He's an All-Star and Cy Young winner.
I would look at it as having John Smoltz on a Red Sox or Cardinals item from last year.
Only an idiot would have a message board signature.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Here's the sig:
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Lee has excellent upside for the Rangers right now. Team's best playoff chances in years, he'll definitely play a major role, and if they go deep in the playoffs and reap the extra revenue, they'll have a solid shot at re-signing (if they choose to, and why not?!).
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