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Feedback question

I was reading the thread on when negative feedback should be left and had a thought come to mind. There were a couple times, one for sure that I should have left negative feedback but I did not. I simply did no further business with the gentleman. My question is which is more prevalent, those who should have gotten negs but did not or those who receive negs that are unwarranted? I imagine whether you are a buyer or seller may influence your thinking. BTW I started a new thread as not to change the subject on the other one.
Collecting 1960 Topps Baseball in PSA 8



  • I would think it is more don't get negatives that deserve them than more that unwarranted. For the most part I think buyers are just looking for sellers they can do business with they trust and don't want to do anything to hurt that relationship.
  • I have yet to leave a negative feedback, cannot clearly remember a case where it was 100% warranted. I have left nuetral for just one seller; purchased 13 items over 2 days and he would not combine the shipping from one day to the next. That would have been fine as I went ahead and paid the two days seperately. He shipped the together anyway and cleared $13+ just on the shipping. That was as close to deserving a negative that I have come close to.
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